Looting Possum... :lol:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
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Cleveland, near Brisvegas
We have a possum that has recently decided to move into our small verandah upstairs. He is a brushie and not at all frightened of us. We can go right up to him, he will take food right out of my hand and we can pat him on the head!! (I know this sounds bad!!). The other day I was eating a pommegranate from a bowl. I was sitting infront of the screen door which we had open cause I was looking at him. I turned to look at the tv and the next think I knew he had is front legs on my lap and was eating out of the bowl. MY BOWL!!! We dont encourage this but this is the way he is...

My partner works night shift so I am sometimes at home by myself over night. Last night, about 11pm, I had just gone to sleep and I heard the screen door open. That was enough to wake me and so I sms'd my friend to see if he was up because I had images of being hacked to death by an intruder while I pretended to sleep!!! he he he :lol: Next thing there is a big crashing sound so I have rolled over to see what it was. I looked at the dragon enclosures and I noticed the possum (which we call hush) inside mr lizards house!!! :shock: I thought he was eating him. He had fallen through the mesh lid and was just sitting there!! I jumped up to get him out and check mr lizard (who was out cold snoring his head off the whole time). He then moved over to the couch and sat there. I made him go outside and closed the glass door after him. He sat there for a few mins sulking like a cat or dog who had been locked out. Then I noticed the little bugger had taken something and ran off with it. I tried to get him to come over and bring it back but he would only leave it there and then come to me without it!!! How cute... I slept with one eye open for the rest of the night. :lol: Made me laugh though. I have attached a pic of the intruding offender...
Looks like you have made yourself a new friend. Good luck!
The part I cant believe is that he has learnt to open the sliding screen door... should I give him a set of keys so he can just use the front door??? Perhaps I should teach him to make coffee and get the morning paper!!! Hes a smart possum
hehe! I wouldn't be surprised if yours wasnt the only place he visits. Maybe someone left a door open slightly and he just learnt to push it all the way? I dunno.

If your going to teach him anything, teach him to clean the house and send him over this way for a bit!

Smart little cookie isn't he? What did he run off with by the way? Did you ever git "it" back?
i'm not sure, I had a look around but I couldnt see anything of value missing. I hope I dont wake up with him sleeping on my face!!! he he he He is cute, at night he just hangs around and sits outside on the roof counting cars or something!!! What ever it was that he stole, he nover gave it back!!! The dvd player is intact!!! :)
i hate to sound like a wet blanket... but you should'nt feed possums because they become dependant on you and if you ever move, it may not be able to find food for itself. very cute story though :D
little klepto! If I were you, I'd make sure you keep shiny things out of sight! (either that or nail to the floor)
LOL nice story :D but Keeth is right, it'll soon be dependant on you, quite possibly move in permanently, start urinating all over your house, start a familly of little possy wossies, then fighting off rivals on your roof all night, then ultimately break in to your roof where once in you'll never get him and his gang out until the urine rots through the roof and they come tumbling down into your lounge room one night. Cute little things brush tailed possums. :lol:
Ha ha. Parko have point there . Nothing is more disturbing then possum in the roof.
ha ha ha... we dont feed him... he has just made himself at home!!! We only gave him orange once because we werent sure if he was ok... the wildlife lady said so... just incase he is dehydrated... ha ha ha parko... lucky we are renting!!! he he he... dont be gentle, its a rental!!!!

Wow! That brings back really great memories from my childhood (a LOOONG time ago! :))

We used to live in Olinda - top of Mt Dandenong in Victoria on acreage, and we had all sorts of wildlife that used to visit us.

One of my favourite memories was the kookaburras that used to fly in for a feed, as per the attached photo of my grandmother cutting up the meat for them :


  • gran_with_kookubura_1949.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 204
Fantastic photo Lutzd! Really captures the Aussie spirit! It'd bring tears to my eyes if that were my Gran in the photo! :wink:
It does! :) She was a wonderful woman - real pioneering spirit. Husband left her and she raised 6 daughters by herself. Hell of a woman!

Yeah - I like it too. I've got quite a few oldies like that. I like the old style photos! :)

... sorry for hijacking your thread, AG! :oops:
Love the pic of your grandmother Ludtz, She looks like someone who was a real independant lady.

AG, I'm sure the possum visits more than just you, he probably gets a little bit of feed from each housse until he is no longer hungry then drops into your place for a bit of shopping and sight seeing
I feel special to be on his A-list anyway... even if I am being used for accomodation and god knows what else...

lutzd, your lucky I think your photo is very cool, or else I may have grounds to get grumpy :p Thats an awesome photo!!!

I think we ought to start feeding him... I was fiddling with the stereo earlier and noticed chew marks in the remotes for the tv/vcr/dvd and stereo :shock: ... thats expensive :shock: (somehow I dont think my bf did it!! :)), the mind only boggles as to what else he has been up to in here... :p
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