Lump in Jungle

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Was there anything in the enclosure he could have swallowed along with his food?
you may have to leave him there to have some tests done. but i hope you get an answer.

fingers crossed for you rubysnake

Hope all is well! let us know when you find out

thanks so much guys, first of all the vets fell in love with khan hahaha he was a star.:lol: they did an ultra sound and found no bone mass's of the pinky and no abnormalities like cysts and he gave me some oil to inject into a very small pinkie (nothing to big incase it keeps clogging him up), they think he is fairly constipated, and feed that to him use newspaper on the ground to stop poo easy and they were satisfied with how well he moved around and bring him back in if there is no change, they also want to keep informed how he goes (if the lump goes down). a female vet had a snake which did the same thing and took a couple of weeks to competently diagest, they also mention it was too far along to try to get him to regurgitate just yet. so hopefully khanys on the mend and ill keep you posted. thanks for the advice everyone,
p.s the vet bill set me back a MASSIVE $34 ;) :lol:
Thats great news Ruby!! You'll have to pass on the name of the herp vet for future referrence :D
I really couldnt be sure what it is though let us know what the vet recons good luck mate.
whats happened with the lump has it gone or moved
hey Helikaon, nothing as yet.. waiting for the pinky with the meds to digest. im watching for poo but so far no sign. had trouble getting a ml of liquid into the pinkie. and when he squeezed it alot came out so hoping there is some still in there! will post the moment any change. he's been sitting right under the heat so hope that speeds it along :)
heres a top view of the lump, seemed to pass some of the pinkie alright but now shedding brown flakes individually? no change in lump.

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