male snake with no tail

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
south west sydney
this is for the experienced breeders.
ive been asked the question about the success of breeding a male spotted that only has about 20mm from the cloaca of tail. this snake has been viewed mating last season, but the female didnt lay an egg. neither the male or female were cooled before this mating was seen. so the question is, would lack of tail or the lack of cooling be the reason for the un-successfull mating. by the way both snakes were 2y/o last season
Given the distance from the cloaca it would be very debatable as to wether he is viable or not as this is very close to the penile cavity. The other factor of not cooling would also have contributed to the non viability of any matings.
thanks beeman. but do you lean more to the lack of tail or the lack of cooling was the reason for the breeding failure?
Given that there was mating witnessed it may leed to the lack of cooling as a cause,But the tail being that short may be a contributing factor. The only thing you could do is to take them through the cooling/ mating cycle this year and see what happens.
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My BHP's mated madly the first year and nothing...the next year..eggs.
The younger girl BHP mated madly this year and nothing...maybe eggs next year.
I wouldn't give up on beeman it all again this year and see what happens.
yes i had the same with a pair of jungles last season fay. watched them mating and nothing. they were both alittle young and well under breeding weight. so better luck with them this year i hope. i may take this pair of spotteds and cool them and see how they go. if the male dosent seem to be mating well ive got a couple of other males that i can put over the female
I know I'm not an experienced breeder, but I thought I might say that the fact that you saw them mating last year must mean his parts are working properly, which is a good sign. Did you actually see the hemipenis copulating?
sorry i didnt see them copulating. their not my snakes, but i can get them for the right price lol
Fun it should be ok ,with that distance ...Its is cutting it fine as beeman said but I think stear towards the cooling first long as you are sure there is 20mm or bit more ...:)
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