mangrove jack question

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Active Member
May 28, 2012
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Hey ive been really interested in keeping a mangrove jack and i was just wondering if anyone has experience in keeping jacks and their hardyness?

Basically all i know is im going to need a source of heat and the biggest fish tank i can find haha
My mate at work has had a couple. Reckons they're really easy to look after and get from brackish to freshwater.

But yeah, he has an 8ft tank for his
Highly aggressive and get more aggressive as they grow. Big tank as you suggested great idea. There is also debate over them requiring brackish water to survive as they grow. Not a particularly easy species to keep unless you are fully committed. Ps. I am referring to captive bred specimens here not wild caught.
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mangrove jacks are cool lol but they are reaaal expensive that is if you can get one, i used to see them on the occasion but not anymore, really cool fish to watch when feeding, captive ones don't look as pretty as wildcaught ones(caught with permit)
Great fish, highly recommend. Easy to look after, I did the same as 'blakes', started off in fresh water as this was an animal I caught, and each time I did water changes added less and less salt. Grew huge, eats everything. Real conversation starter.
been corrected,ah i see didnt know they dont have size limits..then again i have never seen one caught in port macquarie lol
,100$ thats cheap as!! i'd be grabbing that lol
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I was offered one for $100 at my local pet shop. They knew I was after one but after looking into it more, I realised it just wasn't gonna happen. Need a massive tank, and it's been recommended to me not to use a glass tank, or if I do use a very strong one with thick glass as they like to charge at people walking past the tank.

If you have the space and the cash, go for it. They're hardy fish and easy to take care of and probably the coolest fish to watch feed. Just brutal.
Get thick glass lids. Was talking to my work mate and said all of his got smashed. He also had to stand back and throw the food in to the tank, otherwise it'd jump out
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