Marcs snake Adventure/Progress.

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Not so new Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Hey Guys,

So I got my first snake last night.
Its a Murray Darling Carpet Python.
Purchased this from Cameron Meredith.
Very nice snake - Packaged well - Came with very helpful info!

So I thought I would start a thread just to outline 'where I am at' with the snake and talk through my experience. Why you ask? Why not, Its a forum - Everyone likes reading?

So I have to admit, I was not 100% confident in handling the snake but the little guy just has the best tempremant so I couldnt help myself.

I quickly put him in this 'click,clack' though as I didnt want to stress him out too much with the overwhelming of me wanting to handle him straight away.

So I put him in the click clack - Put the newspaper, Added holes (Which I don't think are enough so ill add more tonight), Put in a cup of water (im going tonight to buy a proper water holder).

It was so fasnicating to watch him sus everything out, I sat their for a good hour just watching. I noticed the toilet roles were too small though even though I added 2 together he just didnt seem to like it.

I will attach pics e.t.c.
Dillema No.1

I woke up this morning and he had tipped over his cup of water. My mistake anyway as it narrowed at the bottom and was not 100% stable but I didnt predict the snake to climb on it. (Begginers mistake)

The enclosure was all fogged up, He was sitting ontop of the rolls as the paper was wet looking like he was just waiting for me to fix it.

So I took him out and wiped everything to make it dry, Changed the paper, and I even changed his hide to a 'car size tissue box'.

I took the cup out and I will get him a proper water bowl tonight.

He should be fine for the day I hope?

Oh and a few things - Yes I have a heat mat on the same side his 'hide' is on, and Yes I am putting more holes at the top, and YES I am installing a stick up top for him to climb on as he just loves poking his head at the top. lol
I had that problem with my Childrens Python, Until I changed his water dish to a big ceramic dog bowel. Another thing that I noticed was that he occasionally went to the loo inside his cardboard hide, SO I changed both warm and cool hides to either exo terra or something close to that so it was easier to clean.
U did a bit of research I see :)
Yeh he should be fine without the bowl for the day
Cheers Shaye
Here are some pics...

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And NO that is not the only hole - There is another 2 on each side (yes I now understand this is not enough)

YES i would APPRECIATE any hints or tips you feel like mentioning - But NO I wont accept being 'flamed' for 'not knowing' certain things.

I do read as much as possible and please understand I am in the learning process.
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I have a question - My snake is born in January and I bought it last week.
Its feed was around 10 days ago and has been eating around every 7-10 days.

It has been feeding on small fuzzies.

The thing is, I have pinkies that I bought before I bought a snake thinking the one I get would eat pinkies.

Now the question? Should I feet it 2 pinkies tonight or should I just wait until Sunday (only day I have available to go to a shop) and feed it a fuzzie?

Thanks for your help.

Oh and I attached a new pic of his pimped container as of 27/09/2010.

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Hey Marcsnake.
I also bought a MD off Cam last sunday (19th) Great dealer isnt he?
:) Great Looking MD aswell, Gorgeous snakes aint they?
Im feeding my girl every 5 days with fuzzies.. fed her twice since i got her so shes settle in well.
Mmm seeming you have pinkies.. i WOULD feed him one, come back 20-30 mins later and feed him another one.
Then get a fuzzie for his next feed.
Oh and btw... looks like both are snakes have spilt there water bowl so far :p haha..

Hey Connor,

Yeh I was really happy with Cameron as a seller - Very Helpful and yeh the snakes look great!

You have fed him twice since? WOW!
He is gonna get beefed up real quick!

Ok so i guess ill feed him tonight. My first feed! WOOHHOO!!!

Yeh, now that I have the tupperware container he hasnt managed to spill.

Is this your first snake?
Her ;) u got the only male of the MD's im pretty sure.
Well Cam said to me she should be feeding every 5-7 days... and shes been taking food on the 5th day so yeah.

Congrats mate :)
Yeah shes my first snake, once i move to new house next year gunna look into getting new one :D
Can you feel the addiction yet? :D
Yeh I can,

Everytime I come home I sit there and just watch it.
I usually get home at night so he's pretty active.

My girlfriend named him - Monty. hahaha
hey mate, just looking at the click clack, its raised off the heatmat? that surely wouldn't get heat to him, and with the amount of newspaper in there it wouldn't be to hot either, just get a 52L starmaid tub, they are excelent, pretty high as they like to climb and sit flush with the heatmat, just use paper towel and everything will be cool :D with the temperature probe, it would just be recording ambient temps, not where the python is, so i suggest that you blu-tack it to the bottom of the click clack with just the paper towel over the top, if your near a bunnings, just zip there and you can get the starmaid from there and some dowel to use as the perches. if you want i will go take a photo of my setup to show you. i have a juvi bredls in there :) hope this helped!
If you have access to a soldering iron they are great for punching holes through click clacks rather than using a drill!

The newspaper is just 1 page folded over?
It does look like quite abit in the photo though...
Do you think just 1 page is better not cut out?

It is pretty hot on his side?
Ill check the temp with a thermo gun tonight...

Yeh show me yours ill be happy to see..

Thanks for your help!
Congrats on your snake mate. Like Asharee said check temps because the heat mat looks a fair distance from the bottom, and the holes look big, make sure your snake can't get stuck in them
My setup which is easy simple! like i said matey, just a 52l click clack, a $7 soldering iron from bunnings and some dowel! i am using bamboo gardening stakes i got for like, 20c from a nursery, like i said, just some paper towel, stick the probe of the thermometer with blutack to the bottom of the container, the same with the thermostat probe. its all easy peasy and takes 30 mins tops. if you need anymore help, just drop me a pm. and a photo of the occupant for you. :D
stuff 076.jpgstuff 078.jpgstuff 046.jpg
I wasnt able top check the temp last night cause I couldnt find my heat gun.

Asharee - Thats a pretty cool set up you got going on. Good stuff!
I might just stick with what I have cause Im buying a proper unit soon to have it in.
So it should be right for the next 2-3 weeks...
The holes in mine are only the size of a pencil, Not even and he couldnt even get half his head through.
In regards to the heat mat though, I am putting it closer tonight... Thanks for the tip!
So last night I fed Monty for the first time. WOW

I was sooooo impressed. My girlfriend and I were just fascinated.
I fed him 2 pinkies - Waited 20 mins between each.
That must have been the longest wait for him cause after the first he was just searching all over the place for more. But after the second he was pretty content.

First pic is of him waiting for his feed.

Second one - Munching down his food.

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I'll get some fuzzies this weekend...
So this morning I stuck the heatmat to the bottom and removed some newspaper and ill check the temp again tonight...

Should be better.

Thanks for the insight guys!
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