Medium live mealworms - keeping them

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giant meal worms are the 1's feed on hormones, super worms are different to meal worms

Um, no. Check your facts.

Sofoula -my beetles have never flown, I keep them all in open tubs, they cannot climb the plastic sides and the only time I have found any loose in the house is when I left the sheet of cardboard I give them to hide under on a slant. They climbed it and several escaped.
I'm kind of curious why they become pupa so early on..I was expecting them to grow alot more before changing but they are still very small,and if mine are become pupa this small then how do you get em to grow really large?
When you buy mealworms from pet shops generally they are full grown and on the verge of metamorphose
Um, no. Check your facts.

Sofoula -my beetles have never flown, I keep them all in open tubs, they cannot climb the plastic sides and the only time I have found any loose in the house is when I left the sheet of cardboard I give them to hide under on a slant. They climbed it and several escaped.
i was always told giant meal worms are the 1's feed on hormones and superworms are different to mealworms, iv seen a few sites now all saying different, iv also read that giant meal worms wont pupate when together as they diff to a mealworm but i have some living together that are 100% giant meal worms and there have pupated together, didn't mean to say your wrong i'm just going off what iv been told and breeding them together witch imo would mean there are the meal worms feed on hormones.
i was always told giant meal worms are the 1's feed on hormones and superworms are different to mealworms, iv seen a few sites now all saying different, iv also read that giant meal worms wont pupate when together as they diff to a mealworm but i have some living together that are 100% giant meal worms and there have pupated together, didn't mean to say your wrong i'm just going off what iv been told and breeding them together witch imo would mean there are the meal worms feed on hormones.

Not to be rude, but your post is really hard to read, try spell check and using more punctuation. As I have stated - mealworms = tenebrio molitor. Kingworms = zophobas moro. Superworms = mealworms made to grow larger using hormones which will generally sterilise them. Pet shops will tell you all kinds of drivel.
Not to be rude, but your post is really hard to read, try spell check and using more punctuation. As I have stated - mealworms = tenebrio molitor. Kingworms = zophobas moro. Superworms = mealworms made to grow larger using hormones which will generally sterilise them. Pet shops will tell you all kinds of drivel.
super worms and kingworms are zophobas moro they are the same thing, giant meal worms are tenebric molitor witch are meal worms, giant meal worms are the 1's feed on hormones, im not trying to start something hear i was just letting you know is all, i have found no facts on super worms being the 1s feed on hormones.
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Oki dok, well I have them at room temp in a tub of bran,95% are pupa so I'll see how this goes as it's all new to me..I'll try feeding the beetles to my beardies once they emerge and see how it goes,if they don't like em then well..err I guess I'm gonna have alot of beetles =/ lol.. Thanks Jen

Just plain old unprocessed nothing added wheat brain OK ?

(the same stuff you add to your cereal to get a fibre boost in your diet).
super worms and kingworms are zophobas moro they are the same thing, giant meal worms are tenebric molitor witch are meal worms, giant meal worms are the 1's feed on hormones, im not trying to start something hear i was just letting you know is all, i have found no facts on super worms being the 1s feed on hormones.

perhaps you're both right? Common names ARE very easily confused, even more so when unknowledgable individuals are involved and they put them down as either one. As long as it makes a sale right?
Super worms tho is a term thats often used for both

Sofoula -my beetles have never flown, I keep them all in open tubs, they cannot climb the plastic sides and the only time I have found any loose in the house is when I left the sheet of cardboard I give them to hide under on a slant. They climbed it and several escaped.

i should also point out that beetles do however have wings, even if they don't tend to fly i'd rather be safe than sorry

I think they might be too bitter.

this comment made my day ^ :)
ianinoz - I personally prefer oats and corn cob mouse bedding as substrate - as this is very easy to sieve to remove worm poo, where the bran would mostly be lost through the sieve, the oats aren't.

K3nny - I'm glad to make you happy ;), and yep, the beetles do have wings and most likely can fly, I have just found that if they are given a sheet of paper or cardboard to live under, they don't seem to want too.

reptilewhatever - I see no point in arguing with you. In fact, there's a lovely quote about never arguing with you, try googling it....
ianinoz - I personally prefer oats and corn cob mouse bedding as substrate - as this is very easy to sieve to remove worm poo, where the bran would mostly be lost through the sieve, the oats aren't.

K3nny - I'm glad to make you happy ;), and yep, the beetles do have wings and most likely can fly, I have just found that if they are given a sheet of paper or cardboard to live under, they don't seem to want too.

reptilewhatever - I see no point in arguing with you. In fact, there's a lovely quote about never arguing with you, try googling it....

I'll try oats next time or corn cob gritty stuff if I can find it.

I hope the flowers like the old bedding stuff, it was getting a bit wiffy after a week and looked and felt like fine sand. I've sprinkled it all over the flower bed and plants there. (AFTER extracting the worms from it).
I'll try oats next time or corn cob gritty stuff if I can find it.

I hope the flowers like the old bedding stuff, it was getting a bit wiffy after a week and looked and felt like fine sand. I've sprinkled it all over the flower bed and plants there. (AFTER extracting the worms from it).
The corn cob bedding I used to get from where I worked - it is lab grade rat/mouse bedding, but I only use it to bulk out the oats. I add a slice of bread or a roll along with the carrot and they love it, as well as a piece of cuttle bone - which is now gone. I sieve out my tubs onto the garden and it seems to grow like mad, so I haven't thrown a whole tub out, but I cannot see why the garden wouldn't benefit.
That's interesting, never thought of tossing some bread or crusts in for them.

Wouldn't have thought they'd make any impression on a tough old bit of cuttlefish bone. I'll get some and break a piece off for them.
Mine have eaten the whole cuttlebone except for the shiny bit. They love bread, wheatbix, etc, I also throw in mouse pellets, roses (from the garden when they are wilting) apple, old cereal etc.
Be carefull using too much rodent pellets as I threw some in 1:1 with one of my old colony's and it killed them all within a few weeks
Be carefull using too much rodent pellets as I threw some in 1:1 with one of my old colony's and it killed them all within a few weeks

I only throw in a handful at a time.
ianinoz - I personally prefer oats and corn cob mouse bedding as substrate - as this is very easy to sieve to remove worm poo, where the bran would mostly be lost through the sieve, the oats aren't.

K3nny - I'm glad to make you happy ;), and yep, the beetles do have wings and most likely can fly, I have just found that if they are given a sheet of paper or cardboard to live under, they don't seem to want too.

reptilewhatever - I see no point in arguing with you. In fact, there's a lovely quote about never arguing with you, try googling it....
i was not arguing with you at all i was just telling you what i have read from over 10 different sites.
I keep mine in the fridge they last for ever in there. Also feed them bran they love it. I used to have a axolotle until he passed away with old age and I forgot his food was there would have been there for like 6months and they were all alive and well. I fed them to the baby quails they loved them.
If you go into most Australian pet shops and buy "superworms" from a wide spread supplier you are buying hormone fed normal mealworms not morio
If you go into most Australian pet shops and buy "superworms" from a wide spread supplier you are buying hormone fed normal mealworms not morio
But the tub says no growth hormones are used?, is there a reason why I shouldn't trust them? ;)
It says that on 'most' of the products, not all, Unless it has been changed recently ;) either way though you could claim it isn't a growth hormone haha, just a hormone that stops pupation. but yes they are definitely normal mealworms.
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