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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Hunter Valley
Snap would like to introduce her new neighbours. Roy and Pris have moved in to the cookie black house next door. If you'd like to see them they are at:

Thanks to Paul and Melissa for the supply of two very cute, very active and absolutely beautifull baby olives. I picked them up from the airport this afternoon. They were stacked with 67 Mud crabs and were a bit too cool. They spent the next hour inside my shirt (in their bag) to warm them up a bit.

Paul and Melissa thanks again.
Little cuties! :D
Woohoo! Congrats Graham! Welcome to the family...
Can't wait to hear more!!! :D
Nic I can't get used to just how fast these guys are. When I took them out of their bag I was hard pressed to keep hold of them. They haven't stopped investigating their new home.
Congrats G old boy, nice looking animals you have there :) You must be pretty strong too as even Popeye could only handle 1 Olive :)

I took about 70 pictures. Thes guys just don't stop moving, about 60 of them will just get deleted - couldn't keep up with them.
Clarice is the same, way more active than my other girls, and a little speedracer. Congrats again! :D
Awesome G-man. Congrats on two very good looking snakes. Another one joins the olive family, eh? Yeah, my kids like to move too. Very active, which is one of the things I like about them. I keep both mine in the same cage, and I can't get one out without the other one making a break for it. Can be quite a challenge trying to handle both at once. So how are their temperaments so far? How old are they? Are these siblings of Nicole and Lutzd's olives?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Great news - congratulations! This family is getting closer all the time!!!

They ARE great snakes, aren't they?

Remember all the trouble I had getting Poseidon eating? (Yes, Nicole, Michael has finally picked a name! He shook us up with his non-eating, so, being the god of earthquakes, we thought that appropriate! :lol: If they ARE siblings, maybe you'd better rename the male to Zeus, as that's Poseidon's brother )

Terrific photos too! 70 photos? :shock: Yeah - that's my theory too - the law of averages indicates that you gotta get SOME good shots out of that many! :lol:

Good stuff, Graham.
They are about six or seven weeks I think. Paul said they are from unrelated parents. Their temperaments I'm not sure. No attempt to take my arm off at the shoulder so far. More interested in just keeping on moving which makes them a bit hard to hold. They share the same enclosure and so far haven't used a hide although Pris has investigated one. They seem more interested in keeping to the highest point on the branches. I'll probably take the temps up a couple of degrees. Last night I let the temperature drop but only to around 27degC. I plan on a daytime temp gradient from 26 to 33 with a nightime gradient of ambient to 24 and would be interested in any feedback on this.

My biggest problem is telling them apart. Roy is a bit bigger but that's not too obvious when they're flying about in there. I haven't noticed much difference in them so far and I plan on leaving them to settle in for a while before I handle them too much. 8)
Wow your so lucky to have 2 olives. wat size meal are they eating?
Congrats Graham,
As far as telling them apart the female will be the one having the "bad hair day" every other day :p
Bad Hair day :D :D

Bren, these guys a just babies and have been eating hopper mice. I managed to weigh the female (she was in the bag marked F) and her weight was 73grams, she' at least 60cm but that's all I can tell so far.

BIG babys. When i bought my coastal it was supposed t be a yearling it was only 60 cm long.My childreni is only like 30-35cm.
Yeah, they are big babies Brendan, my olive (sibling to Graham's) is 65ishcm and just longer than my coastal and diamond which are both yearlings now.
Yea Bren they are big - I was quite surprised when I opened the bag. They were born around Christmas so they are about 9 weeks. How old are your two?
Hey Graham...
Not to be too pedantic, but I waited sooo long, I remember that it was the 28th decemeber at 10.30amish when they hatched. Poor Paul, I had been bugging him for ages waiting to hear the news, he called me as soon as he knew. I remember I was getting a manicure at the time, and immediately told all the girls in the salon as I was sooo excited! They all looked at me strangely and don't talk to me anymore, but that could be for any number of reasons :lol: :lol:
Congratulations Grahamh
You will love to feed this snakes. They eat and eat and eat. I had to cut on food with my year old female as she is 2.1 meter long now. I think that I will be her next meal. Rat is now to small for her and she eat 3 large rats for lunch or month old rabbit and rat.
But it is nice to handle her because olives feel so nice on my skin. So fine scales and gentle movement.
Surprice is the 2 year old mail given to me by great members of this community,and I have respect for this one. I don't like to handle him if he is hungry. He is after my blood. Once i have him out from cage he is right.
:lol: Congrats on your two new additions Graham (very nice looking). You bugga kept it all to yourself, and just sprung it on us!! Must have been hard to keep quiet for so long!

Hope they don't eat you out of house and home when they grow up, hehehe, lucky you live on a farm -- you might have to catch them a couple of little wallabies later on :lol:
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