missing Yoda!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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We've now been on holidays for 10 days and we are missing yoda terribly.. i have a friend "dragon sitting" for us. The kids ask me everyday can we call just to see how he's doing. I actually have got her to sms photos so they can see that he is fine. We have 4 days left of our holiday and im not sure we are going to make it... guess it shows that he is a real part of our family
I thought you were going to say he'd escaped! Quite happy he's safe and sound.
I must admit I deliberately had a read to find out whether the title meant "Am Missing" or "Gone Missing".

It's nice to hear the kids are so attached to him. I must say that I suspect the effort put into obtaining the sms photos for the kids, wasn't all for the kids...

what a terrible babysitter!! :p :) :p :)

i always send photo texts every second day when im babysitting peoples dragons! :)
along with a quick update of what theyve been up to, lol,......
Chris - she has been :)

We go home today but can't see Yoda til tomorrow........ Kids are counting down the hours now. They are tooooo very attached
lol, well thats ok then!! :p

i couldnt image 10 days seperated from my beardies,.....its gonna be a joyous reunion!! :)
sorry, i would need to take my Yoda, Isis and Keiko all with me if i went that long......by day 5 i'd be panicking.....
If only there were more kids like yours... badly missing their native pets instead of their electronic games and entertainment, society would so different and immensely better off for it. You are to be congratulated for the job you are doing with your kids. Whilst it may seem a somewhat general analysis based on one isolated characteristic, personal experience tells me it is anything but. What we are looking at is core values. These translate into broader interests, concerns and actions, as children grow older. Any basic interest in the natural living world engender in youngsters invariably translates into adults as an awareness and concern about what the human race is doing to the natural state of the planet.

Take a bow!

Thanks Blue!! :oops:

Well, we made it to day 12.... packed and jumped into the car.. We took 2 cars as hubby goes out in the boat and that would have left me "stranded" with mother in law.... hmmmm.. ANYWAY..
Hubby towed the boat and took the 2 kids whilst l took the luggage and the dog on the front seat with me (Max- Jack Russell.. 1st Birthday today!!). See, Max the spoilt puppy gets carsick UNLESS he sits on the front passenger seat next to me.. The things we do for a extended family.
ANYWAY.. we finally make it home late this arvo, we pull into our driveway and haven't even unlocked the backdoor and the kids are at me about getting Yoda home. I send, our "Beardie sitter" an SMS saying where home and when can we pick up Yoda...nearly 30 minutes went by (she works shift work so this is a common thing) and wouldn't you know it..... she's gone on a day trip and will not be home til the wee hours of the morning. SO basically what l am saying is that we can't see Yoda for another day.. what a bummer "the kids" are soooooo down... but l guess tomorrow will be here before we know it..
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