When you fog the enclosure, though, close the doors and leave it for a day or so. No point leaving the doors open the mist will just all be wasted so you need to close up shop and leave. Won't hurt putting snakey in a pillow case for a couple days or even a temporary plastic tub until the infestation is gone. After minimum 24 hours you should be able to air it out another couple days before letting your snake back in.
Lots of soaking in water helps with mites and if you can get hold of the older headlice conditioner called Orange Medic, that has been a highly recommended treatment for mites. The new brand out has tea tree oil in it which is said to be harmful to reptiles but if you can source out anyone who stocked up on the older stuff, washing your snake it in should help kill them. But I have also heard mild diluted fabric softner or ordinary hair conditioner also works. But double check with your reptile vet before attempting non-reptile branded products.
In about 7-10 days I would repeat the fogging with the spray just to make sure eggs haven't survived and hatched out.
Hygiene here will play a big role too. Separate the animals from your collection and tend to the ones with the mites LAST. Change your clothes before going near your main collection and doubly check yourself that some mites haven't stuck to you. Change their paper every day or more often. Even check your clothing and wash your hands before going from your diamond to your jungle just to help reduce chances of re-infesting them. Which ever one has the least mites should be the one you tend to first.
Hope this helps a bit