Mold on beardie eggs?

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Not so new Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Hi guys,

A friend of mines bearded dragon laid eggs about a month ago, they are being incubated, temp about 29 degrees sitting in vermiculite. They are all looking pretty good as far as I can tell, nice and white, keeping their shape etc. but a few of them look to have some sort of mold or fungus growing on them.

Is this normal? If so should something be done about it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


any eggs with mould should be removed imediately and disposed will spread to the others if not. your friend might have too much moisture in there.
Possibly the verimulite is too wet??? I have never had any real problem with mold o fertile eggs, i think only one clutch many years ago I had two eggs go mouldy, which I left...both hatched, though one had a deformed head as the mould attacked the egg where it's head must of been sitting against
I think your vermiculite may be a little too wet. I'd make up a new drier mix and transfer the good eggs over. Also, i'd wipe the mould off the other eggs with a damp paper towel (soak the paper towel in lemon juice, then squeeze all the juice out). That should hopefully keep the mould away, but keep an eye on them. I wouldn't dispose of those eggs just yet, as they may well go the distance, but keep them separate and get all of the eggs into tubs with a drier mix of vermiculite.
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