Almost Legendary
Very cool Matt who did you get them from
Very cool Matt who did you get them from
I thought they might be. I've already put my order in for one from the next clutch hahaSpongebob - I believe they are clutch mates to your little fella.
That's really cool Anouc. I was talking to someone the other day who was showing me the hemipenal bulges on his Lacey. Is it only this obvious on some males?Thought I'd keep the thread going by posting pics showing the difference between the vents of male and female gilleni. The pics were taken with my phone so apologies for the poor quality. The pair were around 14 months old at the time of the photos.
Very nice Matt, one more thing to add to the wish list!
Used to see that size all the time on the Mary. Wildman, Alligators SE&W, Adelaide, Finnis and Daly river floodplains before the toads arrived. I havent seen a big one for years. Guess they dont learn as quickly as the Mertens.
Here's the little guys I've been finding lately in big numbers around southern VRD,
. View attachment 192832
View attachment 192831
V storri storri aparently
Like that first shot
What local are your tristis?