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The Lacie is not mine. I took the photo at VHS this year. I met the owner at the dinner, had kmow idea she owned a lacie at the time lol
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I just can't get over how adorable that little thing is. So much in love. ❤️❤️

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Yes but I'm not allowed a monitor - hassle with the hot spots, space and live food apparently. I was very close to getting an ackie pair but not this time. Maybe when I move out, or at least get a job
Well I had an "oops" moment. Just got another pair of Black Headed Monitors and they were in very poor condition indeed. Their hips were obvious and you could even see the vertebrae of their tails. Bloody awful. I thought to myself that they looked slim in the photo but when I picked them up at the airport they looked anorexic. Looks like the previous owner barely fed them, if at all. I took them to the vet only to find that the vet was away for an emergency visit and that they wouldn't be back for several hours, so I told them that I would take the lizards home and get them set up as I didn't want to stress them out even more. At least when I inspected them there didn't appear to be too many issues, just super slim, and a few toes missing on one. It was a good sign that their eyes were bright and their tongues were flickering.

I was surprised that they weren't as grumpy as my other monitor, they just wanted to get away, no hissing or biting. Once they were set up and had been basking for 20 minutes I offered them some lamb heart to see if they would actually eat (as I was concerned that they may have been sick, not starved) and they took it almost instantly. I tong fed the larger one, and the smaller one wolfed it down when I sat back and watched them. They must have been hungry. I need to have a few words with the previous owner but I'm reluctant as I don't want to explode at them. I just want to know what on earth were they doing with them. :facepalm: Didn't think that this would happen to me. But hopefully the lizards will be in a better home now.



Good on you! Are these also Perth locale? I'm suprised you had another enclosure laying around!

- - - Updated - - -

I would suspect they might be W/C
I liked your post, Oshkii, but I don't like the story of the monitors. Either it was a very negligent owner, or as BredliFreak has suggested someone cashing in on wild caught animals.
They're Perth locale. I agree pinefamily, I don't like the story much either. Had I'd known they were in this condition I probably wouldn't have bought them. It's a bit worrying though, as the previous owner was selling off a lot more reptiles, tried to sell a Pilbara locale Black Headed Monitor and Stripe Tailed Monitors to me, but I declined as they were not what I was looking for. They then proceeded to tell me that the Stripe Tailed Monitors were prone to respiratory infection. I can only wonder at the condition of the rest of their animals . . .

They are wild caught. I asked the previous owner who was the Taker, and I confirmed it with the Taker before I bought them.

BredliFreak, you can never have too many enclosures. ;)
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By the sounds of things they are wild caught, which would explain the underfed condition. Animals in the wild tend to be thinner because they have to go out and find food instead of having it placed right in front of them on a regular basis. Also caudos are prone to respiratory problems when exposed to high humidity, that's why they are best kept in really dry conditions with little to no water at all. Hopefully they come good once you've fed them up Oshkii, give them a few weeks and they should put on some size. Give them plenty of insects and throw in a few pinkies here and there. Keep us updated on them ??????
Can't say that I've seen any wild Black Headed Monitors that skinny before. I've only seen a couple but they looked pretty good. I was of the opinion that licensed takers in WA are supposed to keep the animals for a certain period of time to ensure that they are feeding well and treated for parasites. Well, no point looking back now, it's time to look forward. Yeah, will keep you updated. Hopefully they come round.

EDIT: Testing . . .

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Oshkii that's so sad and awful that they were treated like that! At least they're in good hands now and we know that they'll be well looked after.
Dug this photo up from years ago of a Heath Monitor (Varanus rosenbergi), although we often called them Racehorse Goannas. When I was a kid I would foolishly catch them and bring them home, begging my parents to let me keep them, but they never relented. Amazing that the worst injuries I would get were just scratches and one time a bite on the hand.

Thought I might as well post some pics of my baby. His name is Bertie. I love him.
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Please excuse the crummy iPad pics.
My one and only monitor. His name is Onyx.image.jpg


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