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Snake Catcher Victoria

Almost Legendary
Mar 10, 2005
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Melbourne Australia
Police p<H1>Police probe $30,000 reptile theft

Detectives at Bass, south-east of Melbourne, are investigating the theft of $30,000 worth of reptiles.
The animals, including blue-tongue lizards, bearded dragons, pythons and freshwater crocodiles were stolen from the Wildlife Wonderland park this morning.
It is believed thieves entered the park about 7:45am AEDT, gaining entry to an educational facility where the reptiles were on display.
Anyone with information about the theft should contact Crimestoppers.

</H1> .
loosers if u cant afford a reptile no need to steal someone elses i dont own a single snake yet but i havnt rushed off and stolen someone elses, i hope the crocodiles eat there arm or leg or something either that or the cops get them
Just caught the end of the story on the news, bloody unbeliveable!!!!!!!!
Its going to get worse. They are invading houses and holding people at gunpoint for a few puppies worth 1000 each.
Considering reptiles don't bark, whimper, need constant attention, take up space .............
They sound stolen to order - how many people must have been getting these animals to steal? There's some logisitcs going on there!

What sort of security did the wildlife park have? I would have thought with $30000 worth of reptiles you'd have some security.

Anyhow, it sux, and sux big time. I really don't like theives at all. I hope the police find and return all the animals as soon as possible.
Yea poor herps.. wonder how good of care these reptiles are getting.. its a bit of a worry..Don't they cut ur hands off somewhere for stealing.. that mite deter them a bit
i hope the police catch these crooks i hope those snakes lizard and crocs arent being harmed in anyway i to hope the croc bites there arm or leg off or something and what makes it worse is it was an educational faciity now those kids out there will miss out.
people like that deserve to be shot...i hope they picked up a venomous snake thinking it was a python and they got bitten and they thought nothing of it. and then died.
There must have been a few albinos amongst those bluey... $20000-30000 worth??! :?
W@nkas! They will probably end up dying because those a$$holes cannot care for them! and if it was for money why not get exotics or something not bluetongues worth $70 each?
gosh as soon as i start getting into breeding the more xpensive snakes ill defiantly be getting security i feel for those that have lost herps to thieves
Some guy was found in his car in Frankston, unconcious, with a baby croc and a bag of lizards in the back seat..just heard it on the radio.The guy is in a stable condition.
Whats up with him do you know? OD or did he cop one from a ven.
hopefully kama will cop him, or a tiapan, either way :p
anyone heard any more on this, i would laugh my guts out if the theif was tagged by his bounty, too good.
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