May I ask what lenses are you using? Some of those close up shots, the detail on the subject is incredible.
please tell me what camera and lens are you using? absolutely beautiful photographyHi Everyone, here are some photos I've taken recently up around Mareeba/Tablelands, hope you enjoy the photos.reat photos,
Tommy roundhead
Diporiphora australis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Diporiphora australis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Dead Robust blind snake
Ramphotyphlops ligatus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Ramphotyphlops ligatus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
_MG_8493 - Copy by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
_MG_8558 by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
_MG_8561 by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Spotted python
Antaresia maculosa by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Antaresia maculosa by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Stoney Creek Frog
Litoria wilcoxi by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Litoria wilcoxi by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Slaty-grey snake
Stegonotus cucullatus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Stegonotus cucullatus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Excitable delma
Delma tincta by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Delma tincta by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Delma tincta by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Desert Tree Frog
Litoria rubella by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Litoria rubella by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
_MG_8975 by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Untitled by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Northern Quoll
Dasyurus hallucatus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Another Spotted python(this one was very fat)
Antaresia maculosa by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Antaresia maculosa by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Antaresia maculosa by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Rhysida nuda by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Rhysida nuda by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Dragon Fly
_MG_9147 by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
_MG_9148 by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Saw-shelled turtle
Myuchelys latisternum by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Myuchelys latisternum by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Laughing Kookaburras
Dacelo novaeguineae by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Ornate Burrowing Frog
Platyplectrum ornatum by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Arafura file snake
Acrochordus arafurae by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Freshwater crocodile
Crocodylus johnstoni by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Crocodylus johnstoni by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Pied Butcherbird
Cracticus nigrogularis by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Eastern water dragon
Intellagama lesueurii by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Frill-necked dragon
Chlamydosaurus kingii by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Red-bellied black snake
Pseudechis porphyriacus by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Vermicella annulata by Kieran Palmer, on Flickr
Regards Kieran
Very nice photos and finds, Kiernan. That Acrochordus arafurae looked like a beast. How large was it?
please tell me what camera and lens are you using? absolutely beautiful photographylived in Mareeba and Dimbulah in the 80s and there is an amazing variety of wildlife up there, fantastic place