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Im a security guard and agree that parks that have these expensive reptiles should have a guards after hours or 24-7 but its very hard to be able to afford the cost of a guard as it can cost big buck more money needs to be put implaced for our small parks because they are the ones being targeted as thieves know that they can basically jump over a fence and go shopping.some parks where i live they dont just steel them they hurt the animals in the park.they are coming up with way's to make it affordable to have security.I would do it for free but im like every body els have to make a living .always keep your house locked and have some type of deterrent or alarm even if your away have some one check up for you because if some one breaks in your home they arnt just going to take your tv and stuff. Thieves probably dont have a phobia with reptiles if there game to break the dwelling of your property there game to steel your reptiles......let this be a lesson and not let this happen to us...because justice will probably let the person get away with it in the end.if he came into my place and i caught him i would make sure that this person gets what he deserves (if he is lucky to even make it to a magistrate)protect your self and use nessercary force what ever it take's for your own safety.thieves dont care.
I've seen the car the herps were found in parked out the front of their house on more than one occasion. The publicity isn't hurting them either. This pair are close on the dodgiest lot in Melbourne's herp scene. I've known them personally for close on 6 years, & some of their antics have been unbelievable. Now one of the Sydney papers is headlining "Crocs stolen from Irwin park". Nothing makes me sick!
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This is getting very interesting. If it is an insurance scam, hopefully the perpetrator will sing like a canary and land everyone involved in the cr@p I will be following this story with great interest.
I've seen the car the herps were found in parked out the front of their house on more than one occasion. The publicity isn't hurting them either. This pair are close on the dodgiest lot in Melbourne's herp scene. I've known them personally for close on 6 years, & some of their antics have been unbelievable. Now one of the Sydney papers is headlining "Crocs stolen from Irwin park". Nothing makes me sick!

I seriously hope you have informed the police of this, because otherwise that's just malicious slander.
Aparently one of the still missing pythons was "pregnant" (at this time of year??) no doubt increasing it value from a media perspective .

One of the first reports he said that several of the animals were 'pregnant' because it was the middle of the breeding season, or something similar, and if not looked after they would have trouble 'passing the babies'.


I seriously hope you have informed the police of this, because otherwise that's just malicious slander.
Those that know me know I'm not into slander or libel, malicious or otherwise. While my money's on an insurance job, the culprit may well have taken the animals without permission (& I could have an educated guess at the reason for that) but the fact remains that childrens, blueys & one freshie aren't worth anything like the figure quoted, & I'll bet the "pregnant" snakes manage to spontaneously lose the eggs before their return. A claim still goes in, they still come out in front, with loads of free publicity. If nothing else, trading on a dead blokes name should hint at their bona fides.
saw them on an interview with Kerryann Kennily (sp) this morning while channel flicking, promotoing snakes as pets and giving details how to get licences etc on their web and the ninemsn web for morning show. lol.
I haven't seen any updates on this one on the tube today, but being an amateur prophet (lol) I'll take a shot in the dark that the "culprit's" name turns out to be James.
Those that know me know I'm not into slander or libel, malicious or otherwise. While my money's on an insurance job, the culprit may well have taken the animals without permission (& I could have an educated guess at the reason for that) but the fact remains that childrens, blueys & one freshie aren't worth anything like the figure quoted, & I'll bet the "pregnant" snakes manage to spontaneously lose the eggs before their return. A claim still goes in, they still come out in front, with loads of free publicity. If nothing else, trading on a dead blokes name should hint at their bona fides.

hehe... I wasn't making a dig - sorry if it sounded that way, but I just think that all information like that should be reported to the police to stop people exploiting the system.

I guess it's up to you... but telling us really doesn't stop this occuring, just makes me feel sad that it does!

I really do hope you ring the crime hotline, or whatever it is, and give them any information you have.
Well, the perp WASN'T James, but why Andy (also known to me) was driving James's car is a bit of a mystery. Although I have my own personal suspicions as to what happened, I'm not going to be drawn into any speculation about it, as it WOULD be speculation. BTW for those that haven't heard, the magistrate reduced the value to a still inflated, but more reasonable, $10,000
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