Mums After Laying

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Very Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Gladstone, QLD
Just wanted to know how long the usual time is for females to start eating again after laying, provided the eggs are taken off her?

My girl layed on the 12th of this month. One she had finnished laying I let her rest for a while, then I removed her and left her in a damp pillowcase with a slightly fragranced spray while I went to give the enclosure a complete wipedown with the same spray.

So I put her back in after it the enclosure had dried, but ever since she has still been hiding away in her box and shivering like she is incubating eggs. Ive given it a second wipe down and still didnt help.

Just don't want her to continue this for too long and she hasn't accepted food yet and I think this is why.
It's not uncommon for the female to attempt to incubate a piece of enclosure furniture, after her eggs have been removed.

My female did so this year, i let it go for a few days, removed her from the enclosure,
kept her in a heated tub for two days, fed her in the tub, then put her back into her original enclosure. She has not done it since. Hope that helps

Nope I took that out and she has a completely new one. I replaced newspaper, scrubbed down all the walls, shelves, branches, even the roof and vines.
Just wanted to know how long the usual time is for females to start eating again after laying, provided the eggs are taken off her?

My girl ate as soon as i put her back into the enclosure after i wiped it down.
Our first female took a feed straight away and a rat to boot which we could never get her to eat. yet our second feamle took a couple of days to get going again. She was very stressed after laying took her from 7 in the morning till around 2 in the afternoon to lay 10 eggs. But all is well now and our eggs are due any day with one already pipped.
I had the same problem last year with one of my diamond girls.
And this year with my intergrade [ but i learn't from last year ]
I soak them both in a tub of soapy water and obviously claened their enclosure twice.
BUT, what turned them back to feeding after 1-2 weeks of trying was I rubbed a rat on their basking spot & inside their hide.
After about 1/2 a day, you could see them looking for something !!!!
Just on dark I offered them a rat and BINGO !!
My girl layed on the 12th of this month. One she had finnished laying I let her rest for a while, then I removed her and left her in a damp pillowcase with a slightly fragranced spray while I went to give the enclosure a complete wipedown with the same spray.


I would avoid any unecessary fragrance spays = chemicals in the enclosure. There is no hurry for her to eat. If she was incubating that would take another month of expending energy.
I gave the enclosure a clean as you have done.... And the following Day she took the Rat, very Eagerly...
My girls ate the day after laying. I just cleaned the enclosure out and thats it.
Thanks for the info guys ill see how she goes this time.

I soaked her in lukewarm water again for a while, she seemed to enjoy it at least! Replaced paper again, and wiped some rat smell over the enclosure a bit. Going to leave out the hide for this evening and put it back in tomorrow so she can't hide away in it, hopefully shell snap out of it!
Well finally got her to eat, I smacked her around gently with it for a while and got her a bit riled up, then she took it. :) Finally a meal in her belly after so many months!
Thats great news,if you slap me around i will give you what you want,,HA HA HA ,just joking,sometimes you have to tease the snake to get it to snap at the food item....
sometimes you have to tease the snake to get it to snap at the food item....

mmm, I've found a couple of mine I have to anoy them til I get a defensive reaction, then when they bite it they must get a taste and go "Oh, wait, that's food!" and follow up by smashing it and coiling.
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