Very Well-Known Member
Just wanted to know how long the usual time is for females to start eating again after laying, provided the eggs are taken off her?
My girl layed on the 12th of this month. One she had finnished laying I let her rest for a while, then I removed her and left her in a damp pillowcase with a slightly fragranced spray while I went to give the enclosure a complete wipedown with the same spray.
So I put her back in after it the enclosure had dried, but ever since she has still been hiding away in her box and shivering like she is incubating eggs. Ive given it a second wipe down and still didnt help.
Just don't want her to continue this for too long and she hasn't accepted food yet and I think this is why.
My girl layed on the 12th of this month. One she had finnished laying I let her rest for a while, then I removed her and left her in a damp pillowcase with a slightly fragranced spray while I went to give the enclosure a complete wipedown with the same spray.
So I put her back in after it the enclosure had dried, but ever since she has still been hiding away in her box and shivering like she is incubating eggs. Ive given it a second wipe down and still didnt help.
Just don't want her to continue this for too long and she hasn't accepted food yet and I think this is why.