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Nicole, I take Ruby out also, when possible, but sometimes it gets really hard, she is rapped around her branch under the uv all day, just loves it and really gets herself tangled up when I try to get her out. But when I succeed, she stays on the cloth line or lemon tree (no thorns) all day too if I let her. :)
:lol: Well Vat, than I can pick and choose, as I have nothing to loose either way. :lol:
Same Artie, Tiff will stay put for hours on end and lap it up, but try and put any of the other girls in the sun and they wriggle around and are off and away before you can turn around... :lol:
You out-witted me! Lol. I'll get you next time Gadget! :lol: :wink:
OMG Dr Claw and Mad Cat!
Erin, you rock, I seriously love your taste in telly! :D
Go Go Gadget keyboard. Just to add my 2c to this huge off topic discussion. My coastals love the sun as well, will stay out till they get all pepped up from being warm, then are a challenge to put back. :D Don't know about the stimmies yet, they are a bit small for me to stick on a branch in the sun.
I see that a kudos are in order for you too then Nic!Lol :D
You know, it wasn't until late last year that I was told about the real messages behind Rodger Ramjet..I was a naieve child...Lol :lol:
Heeheehee where can I get me some of those proton energy pills? :lol:
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