My First Bite

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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I think my little miss MD, Lexie, must have gotten a little sick of me going on and on about how she has never bitten... Just got my first bite tonight. My own fault, I had just been preparing her yummy ratty dinner and when I went in to give it to her she had gotten herself into an awkward position. So silly me grabbed her to move her and SHAZAM!!! She got me.... right on the thumb. She looked up at me a little sheepishly and proceeded to let go and slither off.

I even managed to get pictures...Only on my iphone so not the best quality but you get the idea! Is it weird that I am proud and even a little excited. I finally feel like a real snake owner.

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lol, i love that snake bites look always look so bad, coz they bleed so much (for some reason)
i know that when my friends snake bites, it almost always leaves little marks
i love it ;)
Most of my snakes are good handlers, however I do have a darwin who is a bit nuts, he must like the taste of my hands cos he tags me nearly every time I get him out ! nerve racking !
Once the blood is washed off it looks like nothing... If you look really REALLY closely you can see the little marks but only just!
The small ones are ok, I got tagged by a mates 6 foot olive and that DID leave marks, it was a cool trophy for a week tho !
Ahh, the feeding bite. I've some of those from my spotted python... blood thirsty little thing she is! My MD bit me once after I'd feed my spotted, I'd washed my hands thoroughly with aquim hand wash which is alcohol based, but he could still smell the rat. He bit my hand, but let go very quickly. I thought he would hold on and coil, but it turns out he's much quicker to realize his mistake then my spotted. Welcome to the bite club :D
Never been bitten by my own snakes. Did get bitten by my Beardie once when hand feeding, (his sight is not very good).

Was looking at some of Mungus hatchies and got bitten twice. Was good to get it out of the way. I am a little meor cautious when handling my snakes, but not afraid of getting tagged again.
I enjoyed getting bit too... lol

I know the feeling. =D

I have not been bitten by my own snake yet...
one at a pet shop, let's just say, I didn't buy that one.

as long as it doesn't happen often from now on...
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You call that a til you get tagged by a big carpet-Olive scrub....Being a reptile keeper you have to expect to be biten occasionally...
We all get bitten soon or later only been bit once my self just as well your md not large if they lah on to your hand then coil around your arm thinking your food and there a big snake then you need help
Lucky like me, your first bite wasn't from a big snake!
I've taken plenty, but not by anything over 4ft (yet).
wow your lucky to keep your thumb i hope you don't have any nerve damage and it heals all ok :p

I'm still yet to join this club but here's hoping my SWC soon mistakes my finger to the mouse ha

has anyone been bitten by a full grown scrubby?.....or a full grown saltie?:lol:

Fully grown scrubby yes(depends what you consider fully grown but he was big :p ), that sucked,

Salty was only about 75 cm but god that sucked as well :p
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