My Gecko Isn't Eating

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Nov 11, 2008
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I have 2 northern spiny tail geckos. Only about 4months old. One is doing fine and is growing quite well, he is eating alot and is able to hunt and catch his own food.

However the smaller one seemed to have trouble finding crickets in the enclosure so i placed him in a smaller container inside the larger inclosure, as told to do so by the breeder i bought them off.
At first he seemed to do really well in the smaller container.
I was also told by the vet i should take them outside for at elast 10mintues a day. About 2 weeks week ago I was busy for a few days and was unable to take him outside everyday at which point he wasn't eating as much as i had seen him eat in the past. I took him outside one day, in the samller container, rearranged the small log in the little container and put some differnet crickets in there for him. A bit smaller ones. After i did this he started eating fine again.
But....The last few days he has done it again and isn't eating much. He is very small and not growing nearly as much as the bigger one.
What should i do?
I have always kept Strophurus geckos under light as think they need the UV. At only four months old i would keep thewm in containers by themesleves and a container not any bigger then10cms long x 10cms wife x 10cms high. The main thing is keepign them confined so they can get their food without too much trouble, just put in a couple of sticks so they can get off the fllor otherwise the crickets stress them out. Also someotimes you need to reduce the size of the crickets you are feeding them, had the same with a pair of golden tails one grew big and strong and other didnt until i reduced the size of the crickets and that helped. ALos make sure you are keepign these little guys warm atleast 31 degrees. Dont forget to mist them atleast 3 times a week too
wow...thnks for your reply i appreciate it heaps...the reason i say wow is because i am pretty much doing everything you say...:S i'll will try to keep the crickets small as possible though

once again thanx for your reply....

if anyone else has any ideas please feel free to reply...

Gecko Not Eating

Ok here's the upsate thnx for replying, it seems as if he is doing alotbetter now, having eaten on saturday night last week, and then again on tuesday. he not eating alot but his belly seems alot bigger which is good :D

Cheers Bren10
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