so its been a while since ive updated this thread
a few things have changed... its a hell of alot more cluttered atm (something i have to work on and get rid of some crap in here)
a new 4 high bank went in and the other banks where split in to 2 instead of 3 and the black cage has gone inside the house as a quarenteen cage as im doing reptile relocations up here now too
a new lot of cages has also been built with 3 green cages based inside a hatchling rack with the incubator built into the racking too
any thoughts or ideas would be helpful
(also note the glass cage is now empty, the spencer got sold, currently looking for a hatchling lacey to go in there)
also excuse the pictures i didnt clean the shed first and the cage glass is dirty on the cages still. ill get some daytime photos soon
view of end wall
view of end looking out to the backyard
as you walk in the shed and giving you a idea of the hatchling rack (note: a beer fridge is sitting next to the racking on the left - cant have a man cave without a beer fridge)