my jacky dragon just laid HELP

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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curlewis nsw
what do i do shes laid them on rock in the corner , she only just laid them, what can i do?
make an incubator and put them in an air tight container with 50:50 vermiculite:luke warm water
if you have an incubator, and your ready to look after a bunch of hatchlings. you can incubate them..

if not, and no one you know can help. and you need to get rid of them, freeze thm first. :(
i dont know, i only have her and shes been alone since ive had her which is a few months are they like snakes and store the sperm? i dont know, i feel awful i didnt know she was gravid, i had noticed she was fat till this afternoon i looked at her and she looked skinny, thats when i noticed the eggs, i just thought she was well fed, ive never bred reptles before and dont have an incubater or know anyone in gunnedah area with one
I'm not sure if lizards can store sperm - Kirby will know.

Get a torch or spotlight or something and hold some of the eggs up to the light - if you can see little veins running through them then they are fertile. If not, don't even worry about it - just stick em in the freezer then throw them away.

If they are fertile it might be worth posting a thread asking if anyone in your area has room in their incubator.
there looks to be one slug but the rest look healthy


  • 02122008(001).jpg
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I have heard Jacky eggs are fairly tolerent to different heat temperatures. Apparantly they'll do well even with extreme differences of up to ten degrees. Chuck them in a plastic container with vermiculite or perlite with water and put them under a light. Keep them roughly around 28deg and if it varies a little don't be too worried. Thats if you dont have an incubator. I know someone who once hatched jacky eggs in an enclosure with his diamond python, the eggs were in a container in the hot area with vermiculite.

Good luck and congrats
How many eggs did she drop?
put them in a tub (chinese food container) or lightly moistened (not soggy) paper towel for now, dont roll them. with a thermometer put them somewere int he tank that is a constant 30C

YES, they can store sperm, if she is still very young, they could be infertile.

run to the shops, or tomorrow morning and get a thermostat and a heat cord, and a styro box if you want to incubate them..
k theres 7 and the one i thought was a slug was a rock lol, have done that now kirby thanks may as well try and hatch them, notch it up to experience if it doesnt work , the eggs do have veins


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I think the best place for constant warmth, if you have an electric hot water system, and its inside (laundry/garage or wherever), is on the top. It doesn't vary much and is constantly warm.
thanks for all the advice , i wont hold my breath but time will tell
your lucky im getting 2 bearded dragons nxt year to breed and a incobator
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