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Not so new Member
Dec 23, 2009
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Dulong, Queensland
Well my mum hates snakes. so she wont let me get one of them, even though i would love one. So i was thinking lizard but she still doesn't like that. does anyone know a lizard which are easy to look after but still look good? and how to change my mums mind?

bearded dragons:)
tell your mum she wouldnt have to go near it and it wouldnt be roaming around the house or anything and that you would take full responsibilty of cleanin feeding etc.
one way to change your mums mind is get her to meet one, it's what I did and now she LOVES my coastal and Central Beardie, she even was the one that suggested I get some turtles and a girlfriend for my beardie :)
I got his advice a few months back, get a snake and tell your mum its a lizard that grow legs when its older!!
The only problem is i have to go to my dads house every second week. and she has to look after it... or her bf can.. i have the money and stuff to look after it..
a snke doesn't need much looking after, feed once a week keep watered and pick up the poop... if you have a big enough water bowl to last the week it'll be all good.
if u get a snake u wont have to feed it as often and then u wont have to worry about feeding it while ur at ur dads
well then tell her to put a couple of crickets and some vegies in the tank while ur at ur dads

ps get a beardie
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then you're out of luck, unless your mum or her bf will look after it while you're not there. Lizards need to be fed every 1 - 2 (sometimes 3) days (depending on size, age and species) and they need more cleaning, more feeds means more poop.
yeah. my friend has a snake but his dad is cool and got it for him self. i want a snake and always have. but my mum is so scared of them, even thought hey wont hurt her. and she doesn't even want me to get a lizard..
im probs not the best example, simply because i went behind my parents back to get my little spotted the other day, but it was well worth it :) my mum even called it cute at one stage.

My mum HATES snakes! and i mean HATES them, like she would say your never getting a snake not even when u move out blahblahblah (which is highly unlikely :)). The best thing you can do is persist and try and convince them. My mum hated my blue tongues at first, and now when she goes to parties and stuff she talks about them all the time and is telling them how their colouring has improved since they came out of burmation, i think she is hooked now :) just do lots and lots of research and shove it in their faces and show them all the cool stuff they can do, and like a couple of other people said, take her to like reptile parks and stuff. Also try joining local herp clubs and take your parents with u.
If the nice treatment doesn't work then your probably going to have to do it the nasty way, but thats only if you know that u get a snake in secert and u show your parents they arn't going to force you to give it up :)
As I always say, education is the key. You need to show her that YOU are educated enough on the subject to be able to get it, and she also needs a bit of education. If she’s afraid of snakes that is something she may never get over, I’m terrified of spiders, and I tried to get over it by keeping the next huntsman that came into my house so that I could desensitise myself to it. It hasn’t exactly worked as much as I hoped. I don’t hate them, I’m just terrified of them, and I don’t think that fear will ever go away, at least not completely. I think lizards are a little bit less intimidating that snakes so that’s what I’d opt for, there are some cute ones out there that don’t look so scary. Try and explain to her everything and do it in a mature way so that she will take you seriously (I learned as a tacker that if I acted professional about it I had more chance than if I did the whole ‘please can I get one I’ll feed it and look after it and you won’t have to do anything I promise). Just say to her ‘I’d really like to talk about it with you, I know you want to say no but can I please explain everything’. Then afterwards say ‘before you just say no would you please just think about it for a bit’. AND, most importantly in the art of manipulation, tell her that if she will listen to you discuss it, and if she will at least think about it for a bit, you won’t hassle her about it at all, you’ll let her consider it without you bugging her. That always worked for me!
It is easier to seek forgivness than ask permission.

Get a dragon, your mum will fall in love with it when it is a cute little 10cm raskle.

By the time it has grown to a 50cm adult she will be used to it.
There is a guy that has a business called scales, jaws and claws. you can hire him for like parties and events and stuff, but he does a show the first sunday of every month usually, i think its at a bunnings store. but he has like a 3meter olive and 3-4 metre a b black headed python, water python, and little carpets, children, beardie dragons, blue tongues, turtles, frogs and a little croc. he is amazing 4 year olds were running around with the black headed python. he has his animals so well trained they are so placid any one that is scared off snakes would talk to this guy and probably fall in love with all reptiles. he also knows what hes talking about, we got lots of info about our carpets from him:) his email is [email protected]. take your mum there she will either run out screaming or take you to get a license and snake:)
My mum hated snakes too. Now she merely dislikes them, thanks to me nagging for... ooh, it would have to be seven months now.
I decided I wanted a snake in June, and pestered her about it, snakes being my no.1 point of conversation, with me constantly shooting cool facts at her. But she wasn't giving in.
My next step was to go away from the snake idea for a while. Then I started on the one thing that she would dislike most as a pet (yes, even more than a snake), a kitten.
I pestered her for ages about a nice kitten, and how it would be so great as a pet, and why I wanted one. She was, once again, not giving in.
So then, faze three, I started on the snake again (this is a several month process, by the way), and highlighted all the reasons they were BETTER than a cat. They're cheaper (in the long run- no cat food!). They don't crave company. They can stay on their own. They're relatively low maintenance. And then, after a bit, she gave in.
Now, she actually gets a little bit excited when I bring up the topic of snakes, and can even touch one now without fear (before she had to be about three meters away at all times!). My little Darwin Carpet Python will be arriving on the seventh of January, and all because of persistence.
So don't give up. Keep driving. Highlight the best parts of having a snake, and maybe you'll get her around. Oh, and PROMISE that you'll be the snake's one carer. That she'll have nothing to do with it (in a good way).
So yeah, that's my little story. Good luck with yours.
Just speaking from my own experiance here, it took me a while, but now I know the key :D

The golden rule is BE PERSISTANT. This doesn't mean the old whinge and whine, that only shows that you're immature and obviously don't deserve a responsibility.
Just keep saying how much you love snakes and how cool and easy to care for they are etc.

The next rule is BE EDUCATED. Do heaps of research on the species that you want, then tell your Mum a few cool things about them.

The next rule is LET HER ADJUST. If I were a mother and my kid wanted a snake... ok probably not the best example...umm.... lets just say a Cockroach. If my kid wanted a cockroach, I would be horrified, and I decided I didn't want to get in the way of their hobby, I would need to adjust to the idea. Just try and put yourself in your mother's shoes.
Take her to meet some snakes etc. and let her adjust to the idea of you keeping one.

The next rule is PATIENCE. Be very very patient with her, it's probably a big thing for her to adjust to, if she's as frightened as you say.

The final rule is TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. When my mother first said I could have a snake, I had to promise to keep it in my room away from her and that she would never even have to see it.

If all else fails, you might have to wait a couple of months then try again.

In the end its your mums house. If she says no, you just have to get over it and get one when you move out of home. Theres no point fighting and possibly hating your mum because she wont cave in.
Well when i was 8 i wanted a blue tongue and my mum HATED reptiles whilst i had a strong passion for them so i kept nagging and nagging and eventually she let me buy one and she said ok you got this one no more two months later i had 6 lizards :p hehehe and then the day come i asked for a snake she said no a month later i had a snake. LOL
the power of nagging!
also if your friend has a snake or lizard get them to go over yours or you go over there and show your mum how amazing they are i think people who say reptiles are disgusting and don't one have never touched them or had a close experience they just go by the looks
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