My snake has been in its water bowl for 2 days

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Not so new Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Northern NSW
Hi, my coastal carpet python has been in his water bowl for 2 days now, I have 3 snakes in the one enclosure (2 female & 1 male). The 2 females haven't been acting unusually.
Can anyone offer any advise as to why he might be doing this and what I need to do if anything.
Some pythons enjoy the water, its not unusual. The problem is that it could be a sign that either:
a) your cage temp could be too high and its trying to cool down, or
b) it has external parasites (i.e. mites) which it kills off masses at a time by drowning them. The latter is the more likely scenario if anything in fact is wrong. I recommend you give the animal a thorough health inspection before you worry. Good luck :)
My guess is you have mites, you can garantee that if it has mites you now have three mite infested snakes...

Look in the water bowl for little black specs floating, if you can see even a couple you have definately got them through the entire cage and on every snake...

Separate all snakes immediately and get some Top Of Descent and treat the cage and all furniture...
You started of having a problem with one snake,now if it is mites you will have 3 infested snakes with mites,whats the reason you have the three living together.Seperate them and treat them with T.O.D if you find mites on them or in the water.What are the temperatures in the enclosure.
Temps range from 30 (hot end) to 22 (cold end) I have a few snakes and never had this problem before. I just pulled him out of the water and didn't see any mites (I think) but he did have 2 ticks and I think he has some scale rot.
I only just got him about 3 weeks ago, I got a few snakes from someone going through a divorce and so far other than this problem, 1 has had worms (all in the process of being wormed) and no other problems, 2 of the snakes were kept in an outside aviary, I know the one that had worms came from the outside aviary, but I don't know which other one was outside, probably this one.
I have 2 breeding trios, that is why I have 3 together.
Since I'm already treating them for worms, I might just do a mite treatment as well, just to be on the safe side, I have other reptiles in the house as well, but in a seperate room at the moment.
Any other hints, tips or ideas would be appreciated.
also.mayb!...he might be shedding soon!.some snakes like to soak befor they shed!..prolly mites tho! but mites can be chek the water to see if u see any drowned mites,and chek yah snake for mites under the scales,ecspecially around the eyes and head,also look out for white dots appearing on him,thats mite crap!..
Make sure you quarantine really well as they sound like they are not in the best condition, who knows what else they have...

Even though you say they are breeding trios, separate them now as they are sick so you dont want them all coming down with the same problems if you can avoid it...
I think its a bit late to start quarantining now,considering they have been together for 3weeks.
theyre not definately sick cause its in the water, it could just be its coming up for a shed. My reps do it and they dont have mites or worms, etc.
yer my reps do it too when there goin to shed.but just in case i would check tham out.
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