My Woma Python is not eating, please help

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Feb 8, 2014
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Hello everyone, here is my issue :)
i have been looking after a friends 2yr old male Woma Python for about a month now, I know he hadn't eaten for around 2 weeks prior to me getting him. I gave him some time to get used to my house, he is still in his usual enclosure and he shed about 3 weeks ago.
i offer him a rat as he has been offered previously once a week by defrosting it in hot water and holding it in the tongs inside his cage, but he just slides past it and wants to head to the entrance of his enclosure, trying to get out with no interest for the food.
He spends most of his day that he's awake trying to push his head along the glass and through gaps I guess trying to get out of his enclosure. His heating is about 30 on hot side and around 25 on the cool side, his humidity is around 50%.
I had read on one forum to try and bleed the rats brain to entice him to eat it but it didn't work. I had also read that at his age he might be getting into sexual maturity and they go off their food. Not sure what I can do about this, he is still active and looking lively but is starting to look a bit skinnier than he was.
Any advise anyone can give me would be very helpful,
thanks :)
Adult Male Womas generally will not eat when the temps are too low, bump the hot end up to 35-38, wait 4-7 days and try again.
He could also be going into brumation, it is a bit too early but considering the temps are too low then it may what triggered it.
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