Natural substrates?

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Not so new Member
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Perth WA
So I am getting myself a SWCP in the coming months and I have been looking real hard at what kind of environments they like to live in. Being largely terrestrial is it okay to use loose leaf-litter (dried eucalyptus leaves) as a substrate or even just laying it over a sand substrate? I was thinking that in addition to the hides it would allow the a python to hide underneath if it liked.Is there an increased risk of impaction if leaf-litter is used?What kind of steps would I take to make sure that it would be suitable for the enclosure? (eg. boiling and drying the leaves to kill biotics and mold, only using dried living leaves etc.)Would I need to change this as often as artificial substrates or more often?I haven't seen a lot on this, more around the use of branches and such from the bush or from the reptile's natural habitat.I guess I could ask the same question about sand and such but seeing as there are approved fine grain substrates on the market that do an excellent job I will likely stick with that.The idea is so that I can be sure that I have a happy snake who could just about forget that he is in captivity and be surrounded with the smells of the Australian bush while he bakes on a rock etc. :DAll part of designing a great home for my future scaly friend. hopefully a scleophyllous vivarium like the forests a touch further south of where I live(for some reason when I drop to a new line it doesn't show for me, I hope it is coming out fine for all you readers)

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I think answers to this might not be of use to me after all, I heard today from a breeder that in WA DPAW only allows keepers to use newspaper and newspaper based substrates in enclosures. Could someone possibly confirm this for me? A little upsetting if it's true but if it is what is best for my future scaly friend then I will be happy enough to comply. :)
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