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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2009
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Chittaway Bay
Hi all.... I have a 9 month old bredli and she has been great up until the last couple of weeks when we have had a few problems with her :cry:... Now each of these things might seem minor on their own but when you start putting them together they are a bit of a worry. I am hoping someone on here may be able to help out with some sort of answer... So here goes :cry::

- When she eats, which she is doing really well with, it takes her around 2 weeks to poo...
- She is overdue for a shed (which I am thinking is because we don't feed her until she has pooed)
- We have just today pulled her out of her enclosure and she sounds funny when she breaths, as if something is stuck in her nose or a wheeze but its not coming from deep in her body but just at her nose (i hope you know what I mean)

Now her enclosure has a purple heat light which is set at 33 degrees and a heat mat under her hide which is also set at around 33 degrees, with a ceramic tile over the top.... We have her on Kitty's crumble (which we have done since she was 4 months old).....

Is there something I am not seeing or am I being paranoid :? ???
I have 2 about the same size the wheezing maybe the snake hissing I had to move my female she was most peeved off at me and had a big hissy hit what size encloser do you have get rid of the heat mat you dont need 2 heat sources and let us know if the wheezing is better how big the kitty crumble sure your bredli cant swallow it should replace it with plain newspaper
i have a heat light and heat mat only use the heat mat for cool to keep the temp right light is at one end. dose she have a cool end to use at all ?
the funny sound she makes sounds very similar to a stimson i had a few yrs ago...i took her to the vet if i remember correctly it was a resperatory infection........good luck...
Hi Adfel

You don't have to wait for her to poo before feeding again. At that age she should be fed every 5 -7 days. The rodent needs to be just wider than her widest part of her body.

Your temps aren't high enough. You have a Bredli or Centralian Python. They are used to naturally higher temps. Get the hot end under the light up to 35 or 36 degrees. And get rid of the heat mat and tile. Have a hot end and and a cool end or enclosure. I you have a heat mat under the hide then it will cause constipation and the snake will take longer to poo.

If you worried about anything else then get a vet check. Good Luck.
Oh, and remove the kitty crumble. The dust can cause breathing problems. Just use newspaper.
Thanks heaps for your advice guys I really appreciate the help... I have had another snake with a respiratory infection a while ago and it isnt the same sort of noise .....

Riggsy Thanks for letting us know about the temps and heat mat.... We were only doing what our local reptile guy had told us to do with her... I will get those things changed this arvo and let you know how we go.... Again thanks heaps:)
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