Need some handling help

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Not so new Member
Nov 26, 2008
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I have read many threads but would like some specific advice on what I'm facing and when to and when not to handle our snake.

He is a yearling Bredli around 80cm in length, maybe longer. He is eating well and late at night does a lot of exploring in his enclosure.

My son is a little scared to handle him again after the first bite and I have tried to get him used to my hand being in the enclosure and touching him, but not picking him up.

I just tried to pick him up (he is very active at night) and he instantly went into a strike pose and then moved away VERY fast.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


At that size it wont hurt so keep handling until he gets used to you, my MD was the same, bite me continually everytime i got him out and attack and hiss and go mental trying to get away but i put up with it and kept handling him gently not holding him just letting him wrap onto my arm and go where he wants only putting my hand under him to move him, and not moving fast. He has gotten alot better, never bites anymore has only hissed once in the last month and that was while grabbing a mouse. He is still a little flighty but has really improved.. that said some snakes will be psycho there whole lives regardless of how much you handle. Some people say use a snake hook as it scares them less but the way i see it is if your hands going in holding a hook its just the same as your hand going in by itself. Just persevere he should get better with time.
its best to remove the snake from the enclsoure to handle the snake. while the snake is in the enclosure it will try and protect its self and its space. take it away from its safe space. it just need to get use to or use to tolerating you removing it from the enclosure. your snake will be more active at night as snakes are nocturnal
thanks guys, should I handle him during the day when he is curled up in the enclosure??

would he be more placid?
hook him out of the enclosure then try handle him away from his cage this is a pretty common issue heaps of threads on exactly the same topic.
OK I have a bredli myself and these are some of the things i do when handling, ive had my boy nearly a year now and still havnt been bit unfortunatly ( better when they are small then when they grow up!! ) , as a
yearling they are still very scared as the world around them is SO large and they see everything as a predator, until it is acclimatised to you I wouldnt be handling at night time as this is when they are most active and being so small can easily be spooked and get flighty and leave your grasp and go missing so no handling at night for now!! Before I go to handle a clean hands with an anti bacterial solution, the one I use is called aquim, not only is this great hygiene I believe the python over time becomes accustomed to this scent and in time will associate it with you and safety!! Now I made my self a small snake hook out of a coat hanger bent to the typical shape and taped the handle up firmly or you can buy a small one for around $20 bucks!! Now to hook a python I gently slide the hook about 1/3 the way down the body from underneath and gently lift up once Ive got him high enough I can slowly place my free hand underneath about another 1/3 back and continue lifting until I have him totally out of his enclosure, once out you should find ( but not all the time ) they become pretty placid, well thats my experience with bredli anyway!! Just remember always keep hand movement slow, never come from the front they will go into food responce with a finger dangled in front of them!! I always try and keep atleast one hand up at that top 1/3 mark for support!! Now if it starts to move around fast as if it wants to get away its time to put it back in enclosure, also if ithe snake is feeling rather cool put it back, if its about to shed dont handle and once its been fed give them atleast 2 days to digest its meal before you go handling!! It takes time and practise and Im sure your son will be back handling in no time!! Any questions dont hesitate to ask!!

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