Neeg help!

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Not so new Member
Dec 14, 2012
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I bough an exoterra background for my darwin carpet python a few days ago and I'm worried about putting it in because it will be touching or very close to touching the wire on top where its light sits, is the background heat resistant or not and is there anything I can do to make it safe to have it in there. Any help appreciated thanks!


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On Exo Terra's website, they say that the background is made from polystyrene and this from Wikipedia suggests how susceptible to melting/burning it is:

As a thermoplastic polymer, polystyrene is in a solid (glassy) state at room temperature but flows if heated above about 100 °C, its glass transition temperature.


Like other organic compounds, polystyrene is flammable. Polystyrene is classified according to DIN4102 as a "B3" product, meaning highly flammable or "Easily Ignited." As a consequence, although it is an efficient insulator at low temperatures, its use is prohibited in any exposed installations in building construction if the material is not flame-retardant.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] It must be concealed behind drywall, sheet metal, or concrete.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] Foamed polystyrene plastic materials have been accidentally ignited and caused huge fires and losses, for example at the Düsseldorf International Airport, theChannel tunnel (where polystyrene was inside a railcar that caught fire), and the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant (where fire breached a fire retardant and reached the foamed plastic underneath, inside afirestop that had not been tested and certified in accordance with the final installation).[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]

I would say it would likely melt/catch fire given how close this lamp is to the back wall as it is.
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