Good Afternoon All,
My very first post on these forms after joining up today, whilst some reading seems a bit of “tough love” I’m trying to investigate a bit about a snake I was looking to take on as the owner (friend of the mother in-law) indicated she was unable to provide the attention her Stimson needed these days, which came from one of her own clutches and is the last of her snakes. I’m in two minds to return the little tacker after reading the above comments as I feel the little fella may have some concerns after watching it last night.
I am still new to reptiles however we have had a couple of SWCP for about 2 years now who are around 12 years of age, as well as a 7 month old Stimson and a Bearded Dragon who’s about 4 years of age.
I was asked if I would like to take a Stimmy (about 4 years of age) which came from a cluster of her own adult Stimmies, As mentioned my mother in-law was asked by a friend of hers if we would be interested in taking the stimmy (no charge other than the transfer) as she was unable to provide enough attention to it. At the time I said no as I didn’t have any where I could house an additional snake however my wife purchased another enclosure for me for my 7 month old stimmy and thought this wuld be very suitable for the 4 year old.
Visiting the mother in-law we had mentioned we now have another enclosure if her friend was still looking to pass on her stimson yesterday, I Agreed to take this 4 year old so it could be given a home where it would receive much attention, as such her friend came over with her snake however I’ve noticed it is very small compared to a number of other stimmies I’ve see and it seems to be a bit bonkers (best way to say it “lol”) The snake seems to also have a prior neck injury (all healed now tho) but the snake just seems very odd in its behaviour so my question is if a snake could have some form of brain damaged for example? Now upon trying to educate myself I see a virus can be a very concerning option of cause which is now worrying me somewhat with my others.
Reading the thread (and thank you for the information) I need to ensure it is separated from any other reptiles and we need to ensure we wash our hand if and when handling it so nothing can be passed on.
Don’t get me wrong it is very chilled fells and great to handle just now and again startles easily and sometime ends up in an awkward position, upside down, twisted sometimes. We placed it in the enclosure last night and check on it a number of times and it seemed ok but I’m just not sure after handling the 12 year old's.
Would you suggest this is the issue this snake may have and should I return it back to the mother in-laws friend.
I’m unable to reply to the thread being so new however it relates to the following thread.
Kind Regards

My very first post on these forms after joining up today, whilst some reading seems a bit of “tough love” I’m trying to investigate a bit about a snake I was looking to take on as the owner (friend of the mother in-law) indicated she was unable to provide the attention her Stimson needed these days, which came from one of her own clutches and is the last of her snakes. I’m in two minds to return the little tacker after reading the above comments as I feel the little fella may have some concerns after watching it last night.
I am still new to reptiles however we have had a couple of SWCP for about 2 years now who are around 12 years of age, as well as a 7 month old Stimson and a Bearded Dragon who’s about 4 years of age.
I was asked if I would like to take a Stimmy (about 4 years of age) which came from a cluster of her own adult Stimmies, As mentioned my mother in-law was asked by a friend of hers if we would be interested in taking the stimmy (no charge other than the transfer) as she was unable to provide enough attention to it. At the time I said no as I didn’t have any where I could house an additional snake however my wife purchased another enclosure for me for my 7 month old stimmy and thought this wuld be very suitable for the 4 year old.
Visiting the mother in-law we had mentioned we now have another enclosure if her friend was still looking to pass on her stimson yesterday, I Agreed to take this 4 year old so it could be given a home where it would receive much attention, as such her friend came over with her snake however I’ve noticed it is very small compared to a number of other stimmies I’ve see and it seems to be a bit bonkers (best way to say it “lol”) The snake seems to also have a prior neck injury (all healed now tho) but the snake just seems very odd in its behaviour so my question is if a snake could have some form of brain damaged for example? Now upon trying to educate myself I see a virus can be a very concerning option of cause which is now worrying me somewhat with my others.
Reading the thread (and thank you for the information) I need to ensure it is separated from any other reptiles and we need to ensure we wash our hand if and when handling it so nothing can be passed on.
Don’t get me wrong it is very chilled fells and great to handle just now and again startles easily and sometime ends up in an awkward position, upside down, twisted sometimes. We placed it in the enclosure last night and check on it a number of times and it seemed ok but I’m just not sure after handling the 12 year old's.
Would you suggest this is the issue this snake may have and should I return it back to the mother in-laws friend.
I’m unable to reply to the thread being so new however it relates to the following thread.
Kind Regards