new woma coming help.

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
Gold Coast
hey guys
im getting my first snake (woma)soon not sure how old it is?
he/ she is still quite small whats the go with the plastic containers do i leave him/her in there? is so for how long?
what size will i need to put him/her in to the big enclosure?
thanks all help and lots of it will be sic ]
is this your 1st snake? do u know exactully how long he is?
well i know womas dont grow that bigg i think maybe 1.8 metres?
to make her happ id putt her in an 4ft enclosure maybe a little smaller
not much.
If you're buying a snake perhaps you could take the time to find out exactly what you're buying and how it should be cared for. Rather then posting a thread and expecting people to hand you the information you could do some research. Gather as much information as possible from different sources. Internet forums are useful, but they're also filled with conflicting opinions and misinformation.

To start you off, get a copy of "Keeping and breeding Australian pythons". It's a great book, plenty of info.
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