Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Just trying to get some photo's together, but if your in a hurry should be a ble to finnish some sort of copy by tomorrow night.
People keep giving me more to write which is good, but some of the photo's are taking some time to get.
Cheers Mayo
I just got my first and sort of just jumped into it. Best way to learn I think. But your info has helped me out heaps. Thanks for taking the time.
A few more things not to do when your snake isnt feeding
- panic
- try to force feed, without being shown by an experienced keeper or vet.
- feed whole skinks(unless recomended by the breeder or a vet)
Also some tips on what to do if you let your snake escape, maybe this could go in its own thread but i think it needs to be a sticky.
Also some tips on what to do if you let your snake escape, maybe this could go in its own thread but i think it needs to be a sticky.

I'm going to make another sticky thread about how to catch an escapee.
Any other idea for FAQs?
Will forward that final copy through to you tonight Greebo, my last shift ended up being a busy one but couldn't be helped.
Maybe just add in the housing section that it is very common for new ppl to lose there snakes because they underestimate what they can fit through.

I know you already mention that they are good at escaping but if you tell ppl its very common they might think about it more.
Just got a friend having a read through my new revised copy and then I'll post it here in Herp Help, and send Greebo a copy.
Have renamed this in teh herp help section under " The new and improved."
Would there be anyway of making sure all new members see it? because not everyone would think to look.
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