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May 3, 2013
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Hi, my name is Jade. I've just bought a 12 month old female stimsons python. I fed her for the first time tonight and after she ate I noticed the sides of her mouth were purple, is this normal? How often should I handle her and for how long?
Hi! :D My name is Jade too ^.^
I have never heard of their mouths going purple after eating :? I have never seen it either....can you post a pic? Is it still there? what did you feed her?

I am asuming you just got her? Right now don't handle her. Let her be for the first few weeks to settle down into her new home. Then you can start handling her for short periods of time and gradually hold her longer :) Also wait 48hours after she has been fed before attempting to handle her. I usually hold my guys 3-4days a depends on you and the snake. You don't want to stress your new scaley-pal out!
Welcome to the site :)
Wait 3 days for it to digest it's food then you can start holding it. I don't know about the purple mouth, you'll need to put a pic up.
My GM pythons' usually cream coloured belly turns pinkish during/immediately after feeding and this can sometimes extend up to his chin. Perhaps this is what's going on here?
She's hiding in a band aid box so i can't get a photo at the moment. But it actually looks like bruising in the corners of her mouth. Is this possible and is it normal? I gave her two pinkies around 7pm, she poked her head out briefly and I noticed the "bruising" is still there. Should I leave her to settle a bit longer and for how long? Plus her breeder also said when i bought her that she is usually a bit nippy, could this be why when I went to pick her up this morning she lashed out then went back into her box.
The pic didn't work.
how long have you had her for?
Welcome to the forums. There are a lot of very knowledgable people on this site that gives great information.

One thing I feel the need to clear up is the amount of days you need to wait to hold your snake. There are far to many factors to give you an exact amount of time. Such as time of year, snake size and age, size of food item,temperature etc. The best thing to do is wait till the lump slims down considerably.

Regards, Patrick
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