No sign of being gravid

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Not so new Member
Nov 1, 2009
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I paired up my 2 bhp's this year, hooked up constantly over June and July. But I have had no sign of the female being gravid. She has no obvious swelling but dose have a distict line with a slight bulge on the lower half of her gurth (if that makes sense) like a pear shape. No belly up action, no sign of shedding. On paper she sould lay late this month. Should I be seeing more sign? Not confident :cry:
I going thru the same with my bredli, have seen male female locked up heaps the female looks a little sowlen but not huge, she did shed today thoe so if i see no eggs in a month then i dont know.
dst1980, ya probably just gunna to wait and see mate... I have a girl( not a BHP) that hides it very well, but once she sheds it becomes more obvious that something is happening... She is doing the same this season, so i have my incubator setup, ready to go and my fingers crossed. You should probably just do the same and dont do ya head in thinking about it to much :p
same, i have 6 females, waiting for pre-lay sheds to know for sure. once they pre-lay shed it becomes alot easier to tell.. they seem to swell alot then..
Same thing with my spotty girl, pretty sure she is gravid as they have been locked up alot in the past 2 months, but nothing really showing at the moment to make me 100% sure. She is getting dull now though so hopefully will know after if it's a pre-lay!
Guess I just sit back, cross my fingers and wait? Just thought I would have seen more sign by now as it is getting late in the season.
hi people i am new here i had the same with my spotteds always locked up thought i didnt get her then i came home from work 2 days ago to find a clutch of 17 eggs
I am still waiting for signs after plenty of lock ups and has bred two years ago.
same with my bredli female, she is really fat to start with so it is pretty hard to see anyway
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