Nose rubbing

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Active Member
Jul 10, 2006
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hoppers crossing
My snake is rubbing it's nose around the enclosure and every now and again hissing very loud. I believe it could be stress related but the underside of the snakes chin scales are pushed up.
Give us a bit more info. e.g: Tank size. Type of snake. Heat source. Put up a photo if you can.

There's a few reasons for nose rubbing. He's hissing because he's straining to push while holding his breath then exhaling resulting in a "hiss".

Some things to look at...

-Size of enclosure. It could be too small. I had a 6 foot Python in a 3 foot tank and she pushed all the time. After putting her in a bigger tank she stopped.

-Temps. If you're heat gradient isn't good enough he could be looking for wamer or cooler conditions.

-Bored or hungry. Enclude enough hides and a branch or two and make sure he fed weekly or fortnightly.

-Drafts getting in through the gaps in tank. If a snake senses a gap to the outside he'll try to get through it.
Alright cheers. He is around 3.5 years old and is a carpet python. he is in a 4 ft enclosure using a day night thermostat 28 during the day and 22 during the night. during the night is when he is like this
Alright cheers. He is around 3.5 years old and is a carpet python. he is in a 4 ft enclosure using a day night thermostat 28 during the day and 22 during the night. during the night is when he is like this

He's too cold. Night time is when Carpets are most active so this is when they will do all their searching around. He's probably looking for a warmer spot. I have my Coastal Carpets in four foot tanks and the hot end under the lamp is set at 35 degrees and the cool end gets to around 25 degrees. you need to check the temps with digital thermometers. As long as you have good ventilation and a cage around the light. A cool end and a hide at each end of tank he should be ok.

How long is he though? My Carpets in four foot tanks are between six foot and nine foot.
No he sothed only a couple of weeks ago
I have added more branches and hides and have upped the temp to close to day temp.
He is just under 4ft
agreed, he is too cold. it needs to be 35c. keep him too cold for too long and you risk health issues when he is unable to digest his food properly because he isn't warm enough, and if the tank gets too humid then you risk a respitory infection, either way ,..... 35c is where the heat should be..... temps should be what they are where the snake is native, not what your local temps are

4ft for a 3.5yo coastal :shock:... must have had a very slow start or has been way underfed ! !
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