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good on you for trying, however i just have to ask, if you need to ask how to set up an incubator then i'd guess you have never had anything to do with breeding snakes before.... therefore, goodluck with a government collection permit to take and breed these animals!
Thank you for the down to earth and constuctive responses (even the against ones is really apreciated). Even if you disagree with my idea there is no need for hostile and rude responses. How did the green tree python get into the pet trade?, someone had to start it! their endemic region is not much more than the Oenpelli (and they seem to be the hardest to breed hence the price tag).
Just to explain myself further..from 1st post
The permit for the water python was rejected on the basis that it was a readily available species from breeders and pet shops!.
I am doing my Environmental science degree through charles darwin uni specalising in herpatology although I am first year. I have not bread any pythons yet but have studied the apropriate literature to make it work.

As I clearly state im my 1st post This has a 99.9% probability of it not happening. I will not go through with it with out proper authorisation. I will be working with local rangers to help me with it.
ps. the snake is still hunted for food. it needs to be breed to ensure it's survival. Until a sucesful breeding program is going only then can a low percentage of offspring can be sold to the pet trade. As stated earlier it would take years for something like this to be established (I should have worded my 1st post a bit more thorough).

This is not going to happen overnight just to be clear.
good on you for trying, however i just have to ask, if you need to ask how to set up an incubator then i'd guess you have never had anything to do with breeding snakes before.... therefore, goodluck with a government collection permit to take and breed these animals!

I mean from an electrician's point of view, I would rather build it than buy it. No I havent bread before
A lot of well known /high profile/very experienced people have approached the authorities in the past with no success at all,I cant see how you would have a hope in hell,but anyway.

The conservation standpoint holds no merit whatsoever as once they are taken into captivity they might as well be dead as far as using them to repopulate wild populations.
I am currently researching as much as I can on this snake for my personal interest. before I started anything I was just merely throwing the Idea out there to see if there was anyone interested.
Peter- Was i talking to you? That was just a weirdo's comment from you.

Good luck Beano, and does anyone know the adult size of these things? They look similar to Morelia Kinghorni.
They may or may not grow bigger than scrubs. Not enough research done. lots of speculation
isnt the problem with collecting onepelli with the natives anyway? so if there willing to let one person collect them then maybe he could team up with someone with alot of experience with these things and together work them into captivity... it wouldnt be easy and its not the sort of thing that happens over night, but if you get someone who has permission from the authorities and someone that has permission from the natives then it could work?

probably stupid but just a thought
there is heaps of areas where they occur on private property and crown land so dont belive what you hear about them only occuring in areas controlled by indigenus people.
so thats half the problem now i will try and sneak in oenpellis on my collection permit next year hopefully they wont notice.
Easy done.
create a fawna licence under a fake name and then say you bought it as a licenced animal
it'll work promise
U make up a code and tell them that is what it was bought under
Someone has allready bread them in QLD
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The species has been bred in captivity by Queensland snake keeper Peter Krauss
yeah....... i thought u meant someone in NT and recently
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