olive help

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Active Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Hi all i have a 1.5 year old olive who is the fuzziest eater i have ever had, he won't eat rats or mice and will only take chickens sometimes, i've tryed all the methods and he is kept in a temperature controlled enclosure and room, he does strike at the food he just won't eat it. I was wondering where you get finches from, i have read a couple of threads they work a treat, does anyone have any suggestions?
have you tried any other types of meat? like chicken necks? i had the same problem with mine, still refuses to eat rats, only once ever taken one that was covered in chick scent. good luck to you!
my olive is a pig try scenting wat it doesnt like with what it does like or u could sell it to me if its female lol
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Have you tried him on young rabbits?.Or try cutting open a rat and let him smell the blood.
I would love to try rabbits but we can't get them in QLD i'll just keep trying, thanks for your help
Sent the chicken with a rat then feed him , then don't feed him for 3 or so weeks then sent a rat with a chicken and only feed him the rat.Once hes on rats don't feed him a chicken for a few months otherwise he will most likey go back to eating only chickens. Worked for my olives when they ate noting but birds for a good year.Now they eat most things that move :D
put the rat in chicken noodle soup the no name brand one, has always worked for me and a fair few other people on this site
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