Olive Shedding Problem

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Northern Beaches, Sydney, NSW
My Olive shed a week ago, and as is sometimes the case the shed was in bits and pieces. Most of the old skin he got rid of, but he failed to get rid of it off his head. I have waited a week to see whether he could get rid of the remainder but he hasnt. Today I pulled him out and managed to peel most of it off the back of his head and from his snout. The old skin over one of his eyes came off, but the other eye didnt, so now he has one eye with the old skin still on. I am a bit hesitant to start rubbing his eye to get it off, am not really sure what to do. Should I leave it?
i don't much about olives but i had big problems with a bearded dragon would not shed its tail area a few warm baths did the trick
some pet shops sell sprays to help shed the skin
sorry not much help for olive, you may need a big bath tub
Get a clean bit of cloth and dab it in warm water, then very gently rub it over the eye cap. It should pull it off without an issue. Certainly don't leave it. Also, if it is repetitively shedding in bits and pieces, then it's showing that the humidity within the enclosure is too low. Next time when you notice the animal is coming up to a shed, move the water dish to the warm side of the enclosure, or give the enclosure a mist every couple of days. This will help keep the humidity higher and aid a full shed.
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Wet a pillow case in warm water and put him in there for a few hours or over night! Works a charm for full sheds to part shed troubles
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