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Jan 7, 2007
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heya's today have noticed my female olive belly up! she is bit under 9ft about 2.6mtres and about 7kg.

late summer and don't think she gonna be lookn for a bloke although i do have sub adult male in cage above her

soz don't have camera
What did you feed her? Sometimes when they have a full belly they will lay belly up. My male olive does this, especially after I feed him chicken legs which don't like to bend with him.
Hmmm thats interesting! belly up! never seen my Olive do that! should have taken a picture LOL
Here is my boy after eating 4 chicken drumsticks. Now when you're body shape is long and you swallow chicken legs whole, you can imagine how uncomfortable it can be trying to bend your body with intact bones of food sticking out at the sides.
I probably would have gone with it's belly up to bask and digest to be honest , has you female been anywhere near the male this session ? Is she bloated ( ovulating)
they normally do that when they are about to lay i was told that buy a good guy at cws yeterday. but they do it for other reasons to?
btw nice olive got to hold 3 metere one yesterday at herp course at cws
Usual breeding season for Olives is May - July. Eggs laid around September, hatching November/December. Cooling is May - July, specially paying attention that the male is cooled properly for about 8 weeks prior to introducing to his girl.
Hi everyone,
is this normal for all snakes? i have a spotted python he is only 3 months old and i noticed that he was laying belly up on his heat mat last Saturday. he hadnt had a feed for 6 days but then when i took him out to check him he was just like normal????
So long as he moves normal and IS moving, belly up can't be that much of an issue. What I mean by normal is that is can turn himself back over and move off in a co-ordinated fashion and not like he is drunk, and if he is alive and not 'belly up' as in .... dead
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