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Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Newcastle, NSW
Woop Woop :D,
After years of nagging, my wife has finally said that i can get a snake, but it must be a "small one". :D:D:D

Hi all, i'm Dan and if you can't tell i'm excited!!
I've been on this forum for a few years reading and admiring. I have genuinely loved reptiles, particulary snakes, since i was about 10 but my parents would never allow it. As a child i would take any opportunity i could to go to a reptile show and handle snakes often chewing the ears of the presenters afterwards , i love the feel of them, i also used to walk around my grandparents property looking for and trying to identify anything i could. After leaving my parents and moving in with my now wife i thought i was home and hosed, but she wouldn't allow it either until last week when she saw a friends yearling spotted python, secretly she loved it, so i left it a week and bought home a click-clack, told her what it was for and to my surprise there was no screaming, she simply said OK!

There are some conditions though, it must be a "small one" which doesn't worry me at all because the antaresia's have always been a favorite. I've decided on a Wheatbelt Stimmie, love the patterns and colours of these guys.
Will be sending my license application off tomorrow, hope it doesn't take to long but i'm not expecting miracles been a Govt department :rolleyes: I've already cleared a spot on the shelf above the computer desk and will make a start on the click-clack tomorrow as well.

Who knows what this might be the start of, i'm already having bad thoughts in my head about enclosure designs and what else i might be able to sneak in, those Geckos are cute as hell........sssshhhhh!!

Just start her off small with antaresias and before you know it she will be agreeing to BHPs and olives. Good luck and congrats on being able to pursue your passion.
I know how you fell buddy, I got my first at age 38 and wanted reps since 14-15 parents and partners said no way. Totally understand your excitement :) Gecko's will be adored by the other half im sure. Great news ;) I think Congo-Python here has some cracking Wheatie hatchie's nearly ready to go to new homes very soon. For pics check Sheldon in my albums.
Dan, haven't you heard...
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
Great to here, sounds like you have prepared and researched... +1 from me...wheatbelts are a great choice...don't worry... Your missus will allow a stimmie now... And in 18 months you'll have a olive ;)
Dan, haven't you heard...
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

lol, that only worked a few times for me, now i deal with the silent treatment and tantrums fro a month or two,... :p
Should we tell Dan (hi there Dan!) just how addictive herps are?
Great news ;) I think Congo-Python here has some cracking Wheatie hatchie's nearly ready to go to new homes very soon. For pics check Sheldon in my albums.

Thanks for that, i saw his post about his hatchies, might shoot him a PM and see if he still has some, that would be perfect, i would prefer to buy from a private breeder.

Should we tell Dan (hi there Dan!) just how addictive herps are?

Haha, i've been reading some horror stories regarding that!
Dan, haven't you heard...
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.


The following is a typical interaction between myself and my now Ex husband (go figure..right?!?)

Me: What do you think about *whatever type of animal*
Ex: NO! We aren't getting one!
Me: Bugger! Well then you wouldn't want to go out to the *shed, back paddock, garage, lounge room* then!
Ex: @#$&!!! *runs out to where ever I told him not to go and bellows in disbelief and a lets fly with a string of expletives*
Me: Oh! He took that well!:evil::lol:

It only works the other way sorry..
Females tend to be the forgivers while males tend to be stubborn ... =)
i started with one humble beardie, then bluies , then a spotted.. now i have around 21.. hehehe
That is great news, before long you will be building your collection and your wife will be addicted as well.
Who knows what this might be the start of, i'm already having bad thoughts in my head about enclosure designs and what else i might be able to sneak in, those Geckos are cute as hell........sssshhhhh!!

so are red bellys lol
When I first read your post title I thought you must have got engaged.........but when I opened it.....hey even better your first snake!

Congrats are in order!!!
.......and after she completely falls in love with the first buy the next one for her birthday !!
Tried and proven time and again in this house. LOL....
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