One of my milii died

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Not so new Member
Apr 16, 2009
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Today i found one of thick-tailed geckos dead :cry:.

It was feeding time and when i opened the enclosure i saw a fly standing next to one of my thick-tails. I was wondering how it got in their the first place, my enclosure was tightly sealed and their were no holes. I simply removed the fly and saw that my thick-tail wasn't responding to the crickets. I removed the hide to see my poor gecko dead and in its body dried up.

Does anyone know why my gecko was dried out, it was hot day today aswell, but i kept the enclosure cool. Was the fly the one who sucked my gecko dry because it was already dead? My gecko had recently lost its tail due to an infection i got treatment from the vet and its tail was already growing back. It only lived for a year and 2 months.

I now have only one thick-tailed gecko which hasn't had any problems so far. I need to know what to write on my animals keeper record book that says that i now only have one thick tail. Can anyone help?

Thank you
R.I.P Brutus
No idea about your gecko but todays heat claimed 2 of my pets lives , So sorry about Brutus mate
I'm not from NSW so I'm not familiar with your bookwork there, but I am sorry to hear about your poor gecko.

I guess as keepers of various herps, no matter why or how it goes wrong, whether it's our fault or not, we can't help but feel somewhat responsible. It's an awful feeling and on the rare occasions it's happened to me, honestly leaves me questioning whether or not I should have been keeping the critter in the first place.

However, I think the answer is quite simple. Under the right conditions, most captive animals get a far easier "ride" than the ones left to battle the elements in the wild. It really sucks when it happens though! Chin up ;)
Thanks. My maximum temp. is 28 C is that ok for my thick tail? Once again i still need help on wat to write on my animals keeper record book
I am pretty sure for the NSW book you just need to write that it died, and adjust your male/female/unknown numbers accordingly
It may have just dried out purely because it was dead, how long since you saw it alive last? The temperature may have had an affect on that happening. As for the fly, I don’t think that would have done it, flies seem to appear in every damn place you can imagine, I’ve found one in my fridge once.
It may have just dried out purely because it was dead, how long since you saw it alive last? The temperature may have had an affect on that happening. As for the fly, I don’t think that would have done it, flies seem to appear in every damn place you can imagine, I’ve found one in my fridge once.

It was alive when i checked on them in the morning. I wasn't too sure if it was the fly or not. I reckon it was decomposing the body
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss gecko_luv. RIP Brutus.
As mentioned, don't beat yourself up over it - the fact that he was fine for over a year, and that you have another healthy one, sounds to me like it wasn't your fault at all. Sometimes nature is just horribly cruel... Chin up mate, and love your others twice as much.
Sorry to hear that mate, in the books under method of disposal u put D for death and then just put 1 in the out column.
What sex was the milli? was it gravid?
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