Snakes: Woma's, Bhp's, Diamond, Bredl, Cape York, Coastals, Stimsons, Childrens, Golden Crown, Water Python.
Lizards; Forest dragons, EWD, Blueys, Land Mullet, King Skink, Burns Dragon, ciliaris and pilbarensis geckos, Storr's, Ackie. I'm sure i'm missing leaving someone out.
Names: Brutus, Belle, Windsor, Cleveland, Princess, Primrose, Beautiful, Justice, serpenttongue, Ambrose, Marcia, Baron, Tiny, George, The rest don't have names as yet.
Brutus will always hold a special place in my heart as he is my first snake. Princess who is my first woma wasn't in the best shape when i got her but now she is a ferocious feeder with a beautiful temprament and nice and healthy. serpenttongue is a little angel as she was my first diamond (well the first on my paperwork and not on my Dad's.) and she is nice and healthy and feeds like a champ.