Oz-Pet or Breeder's Choice?

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Almost Legendary
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, NSW
I know there are other threads that talk about substrates but I couldn't easily find one that specifically asked what I want to know. So thought I'd try to get people's specific opinions on this for both rodents and snakes. I know there are other options but these two seem to get the most mention around here.
I currently use Oz Pet with shredded paper for my rats so they can make nests which I change once a week. I find it can start to smell a little later in the week but generally it's pretty good and doesn't get all wet and gross even if I accidentally miss a week. I haven't tried Breeder's Choice though and don't know if it is better.

For my snakes I just use newspaper but it stays wet and stinks even when I change it after every poo. So I am planning on moving to something else.
So I just wanted to know which one will soak up the liquid and smell the best for both of these uses and if there are any health issues with using either of these with snakes (apart from not feeding them on it).

Lightly read through your post, I'm at work so gotta keep it brief. I use alot of newspaper as my first layer then on top of that I use reptibark or Aspen they work amazing I clean the enclosure out every 6 to 12 months and just do regular spot cleans, it stays fresh and nice, doesn't smell at all :) hope that's what you were asking lol
i use breeders choice for all my snakes and i never smell a bad smell only smell , smell is the water dragons on beach sand
im a huge fan of ozpet litter, i line the bottom of the cages thickly with newspaper and put a 2cm layer of ozpet over the top, i use a thin layer otherwise all the wetness sinks to the bottom and its not as easy to see and spot clean.

i started using it in my shingleback enclosure a few weeks ago, just up the 'digging end' and since then its been smelling fresh and clean, i knelt down yesterday to sniff at a fresh pee patch and couldnt smell anything except the nice woody smell.

its even removed the faint lingering estapoly smell that was bothing me in Lokis cage,...

havent tried breeders choice cos the ozpet stuff looks and smells awesome!!
Ok thanks guys. I went to buy a 20kg bag of it this afternoon and unfortunately the supplies either come from or pass through Queensland so there is none available for about a week or two around here. Guess I can't complain though. Definitely not the worst thing to come out of it
I've used both, much prefer ozpet. Use it exclusively in my snake cages. Keeps the smell way down, easy to find waste for spot cleaning. Looks much better than BC. Only down side I've found is it is a bit pricey.
What wood is the oz-pet stuff made from? I am considering it aswell but am a bit concerned about the wood oils they mention, as pine / cedar etc are toxic to most animals and people.
The Oz-Pet website says that the pelletising process removes most of the oils and resins from it. I'm not sure if that means all the harmful stuff is removed though...
used it for years and actually from the year it came out and know the owner (not personally) and never had a problem with it.its made in NSW so dont think the supply comes from QLD unless she's changed suppliers?.
got home the other night and the shingles had made a complete mess of their ozpet end, they had turned the whole thing into damp sawdust mixed with shingle nuggets,...

i opened the door expecting to be hit with a hideous smell, hmm, couldnt smell anything, stuck my head into the enclosure, smelt like damp sawdust, knelt right down to actually sniff a nugget and yes, i could smell the nugget then, but with the mess in there the whole house should have ponged,.....
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