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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2006
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mt warren park
My wife isnt exactly into reptile, she loves the way they make me feel and she sees my passion, and im sure she respects that... But to her, the more snakes i bring home, the more room in the house she looses, another power point she looses, more time i will spend away from her. more money, well less money now, more rats in the freezer, so on and so on

But you know what,,,she never questions it,, she loves the appreciation of animals i pass on to my daughters, she loves the like minded people i have the pleasure of calling friends, she loves the audience i command when im snake catching ot just telling a story around a BBQ.

And now i have decided to attempt to start this new reptile club of mine.(well ours), the money this first BBQ is putting me out of pocket (hundreds), the hours on the computer it is taking up, the time it will cost us in preparing all the food, the stress of hoping i remember everything and that all the people turn up,

But instead of arguing, she has done all the shopping for it, moved the rats to another freezer to make all the sausages fit, realized there was less money in the bank because yesterday i did a mass rodent purchase but shuffled the budget to cater all after agreeing to me buying a new BHP because it was a BARGIN :)

To cut this short.. this is just dedicated to those who dont quite understand our passion,,, but never stand in the way of it...

Awwww. That's such a sweet story. Awesome wife you got yourself there.
I agree....i was meant to only have one snake, and that was after she tried to convince me to get a lizard, now we have no spare bedroom, a 6x6m shed for breeding rats, plans for more snakes, expensive electricity bills etc etc and now she even helps me clean all the rats out even though it stinks!!

I just tend to complain less when she spends money on clothes or shoes now =)
MY last partner never understood it either and asked the silly question one day, it's either your reptiles or me. Hahaha what a stupid question, I've got a great wife now though and she is 4 years younger that my last partner.
MY last partner never understood it either and asked the silly question one day, it's either your reptiles or me. Hahaha what a stupid question, I've got a great wife now though and she is 4 years younger that my last partner.

was that your partner i met when i did the MC at the Gold Coast Reptile Expo?
Troy - I belive thats what we call a "win, win" situation. =)
Well I think mine thinks I am crazy ^_^ But he puts up with the pieces of wood I have all over the place for the enclosures Im building. Though he does say he cant wait for the day I am finished xD

The only complaint he has is the price of the animals themselves.

I dont know... maybe he would rather I was out spending it on shoes and clothes xD
I dont know... maybe he would rather I was out spending it on shoes and clothes xD

BTW, never going to happen. Shopping and I are not friends. I think I have the whole role reversal thing going on here, I dont get women.

But I do have to say... if you have a partner that doesnt share your love for the hobby........ yet they support you and dont stand in your way... then you are an exceptionally lucky person.
Partner's Appreciation Thread

I couldn't agree more! Perhaps us herpers just attract good partners?

My wife fully supports anything I do (particularly with reptiles), and she does so much to help and encourage my OBSESSION, whether it be feeding the herps, the 'food' (rabbits, rats, mice etc), the security system (ie; 2 Rotties) or surprising me with secretly planned purchases from interstate.

When I got home from work this arvo, there waiting for me on the table was Pianka's "The Lizard Man Speaks" direct from the US. And yes, there are so many more examples.

Yep, we're very lucky...I'm off to read now :)

Yep marriage has given me the best 5 years of my life. Oh yeah have been married 20 years. just joking!!
i must be one of the unlucky ones. i even take a look at APS while my girlfriend of 4 years is over and its "you better not be buying a new snake." now i do have to admit that i may have gotten a bit carried away in the past 3 years, but which herper doesnt. i think she is finally coming to the conclusion that these reptiles and amphibians are my passion and my collection will do nothing but grow, especially now that i have the pair of darwin hets ;)
MY last partner never understood it either and asked the silly question one day, it's either your reptiles or me. Hahaha what a stupid question, I've got a great wife now though and she is 4 years younger that my last partner.

Geez mate, you reckon you did alright - you saw the upgrade I made a couple of years ago!

It takes a very understanding type of woman who can put up with those of us who do this full time for a living. My partner travels all over the place with me (some of you may have met her at Wild Expo). She packs books, feeds lizards and wrangles elapids...but I'm not game to get in the way when she goes shopping...
My fiancé is the best girl ever. Just an example the other dater had some hatchling in tubs and I started cleaning the herp room and she just says stop an says it looks like we need a new enclosure and takes me to the pet shop and spends 400 bucks just for my herps and me.! This year we've spent approx 15 grand on herps and spending more and more. My girl never understood herps, she used to be to scared of the shingle back family that lived out the back of her parents house and wouldn't go out there when there out there lol. Now when I get home from work she has the beardies out "cuddling" them and she chops up the salads and veggies and cleans there enclosures when I'm workin shift work. We just bought a beautifully little pilb from levis04 and Hayley has told me we need to buy another one So it's not lonely. She has changed so much in the way she sees herps sometimes i wonder if she loves them more than me :p. If she wasn't worried she would squash my beardies when I do nightshirt she would have them in the bed to keep her company haha so cute. Oh and now she's start claiming hatchlings an new herps as "HERS" lol.

I love her she's just the best fiancé ever and she loves how happy the herps make me and they make her happy 2.

I think this is a good thread and all partners deserve a good thank you. :).

Cheers Barf
My mum isnt my partner but i appreciate that she lets me have reptiles, only because they make me happy :) She is terrified of snakes but still lets me have them, under one condition: they stay in my room(except the spotteds i have slowly turned her on them and even got her to hold one of them) but the lizzies she isnt worried about.
She gave me a fridge/freezer just for my rats and food for the herps. Best mum ever :):):)
:/ You are all making me jealous.

Im just waiting for the day mine starts telling me no. I can see it in his eyes. And so far all I have is two beardies and plans for a pair of monitors. Doesn't matter that I am the one paying for it... or putting all the work in. I just see the look of disappointment on his face whenever I am browsing a reptile site or something. He is one of those that start of very supportive... and then start making little hints here and there... and then end up having a big QQ over it instead of just having been honest in the first place. I think he is the woman in this relationship. SIGH.

At least he said he is proud of my enclosure building abilities :| LOL

But how do you guys get around all this? I love my reptiles and I love birds as well, but he seems to have no time for them... and doesnt want me to have them either. He is more into aquariums, which I fully support. :/ I dunno, I have to be doing something wrong here.
My husband not only supports my hobby and snake catching he comes along to my jobs and will often help me out with the PYTHONS only ;)

He also showed me why I dont ever want to be bitten by an eastern brown ... I would be lost with out him xxxxxxx
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