PC, XBox or PS3? Which one and Why?????????

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Skelhorn, what card did you get that recommends a 750w PSU?
reading one of the latest OCAU reviews of a quad gtx 680 (the latest cards) setup, and the entire system used only just on 1000w at full load, so yea, I highly doubt any single card could require THAT much power.

GTX 680's Quad Sli :) - Overclockers Australia Forums for full details.

Sorry mate meant 550W. Its was just a little 275GTX. Good in their time, still good, plays Crysis 2 on full graphics without any lag or issues!
no needs for sorry dude :D haha it's not like I was raging out and throwing chairs and stuff ;) THIS TIME!!! :p
it's all good *thumb up*
so who really loves it when you spend a bit of money on a new pc just to realise a slightly overclocked dual core amd thats 4 years old plays battlefield 3 on high settings with a gigabyte nv440 with a gb of dd3??? btw iv only got 2gb of ram too lets just say this thing is forever exceeding my expectations because theres no game i cant play with a resalution of 1440 x 900 or needing to reduce it lower then high settings any ways next week im going back to wow and buying diablo 3 as the open betta the other week showed how good it really was so its worth buying starcraft 2 imo sucks lol they pretty much removed the offline skirmish for it -.-"
I take it you haven't plays any recent games then? ;)
I haven't either! lol
I doubt any game in 2011 will play well at that res on that machine at full settings.

edit: stupid mistakes! ugh! :D
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my machine plays Crysis 2, Black Ops, other newest Modern Warefare etc etc all on highest settings and 1920x1080 resolution and I built that computer back in 2008. Its only a quadcore 2.4ghz, 4 gig ram, windows xp, 275gtx, 750watt power supply, and a few other little things, trick is to also keep as much crap off your computer, I have 3 hdd installed and the main one only has basic programs, the other ones have all my downloads and games,
To really test your settings run crysis in the hardcore graphics patch, skyrim etc. Then you'll know where you stand. Sometimes you dont realise how much slower you running till you compare it to a better machine. I used to have an Athlon x64 with some nvidia card thouht it was awsome till i killed it and upgraded

I doubt a card from 2008 could be running full MSAA and AA but im probably wrong. Theres also the fact that your running a fairly low resolution making it easier
you're not "wrong" but it's sure as heck not going to run skyrim at max settings, you need like dual cards (or one dual GPU card) of epicness to do that (and a kick **** CPU).

GPU = graphics processing unit, or in simpler terms, two brains.

mind you, if you're happy with how your games run, then you really don't need to worry.
I'm playing 10 year old games so I don't need that kind of awesome, none of the newest games does anything for me :( I love my dungeon seige2 ! funny it's the only RPG I like.

I wish they had done more expansions for it :( and opened it up to modding. blah!
i like pc because you can use emulating software for all your old favourites on snes, gameboy, psx, n64, dos, etc.
you're not "wrong" but it's sure as heck not going to run skyrim at max settings, you need like dual cards (or one dual GPU card) of epicness to do that (and a kick **** CPU).

GPU = graphics processing unit, or in simpler terms, two brains.

mind you, if you're happy with how your games run, then you really don't need to worry.
I'm playing 10 year old games so I don't need that kind of awesome, none of the newest games does anything for me :( I love my dungeon seige2 ! funny it's the only RPG I like.

I wish they had done more expansions for it :( and opened it up to modding. blah!
Thats probably why it runs so well on on mine, just powers through every game effortless, yet im still more prone to just using it as a media centre atm, and playing Tales of phantasia on my phone
I would only really test my hardware with crysis or battlefield 3. Bethesda have such bad rendering and texturing in their games, hence why a lot of machines don't really run it that well, in my opinion.
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