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solar 17

After watching "Snakebytes on Aussie snakes" l can't help but think that this guy and hey there is no doubting this guys passion is "maybe" making things a bit harder for the average herper.
While watching the piece on Bredli's l couldn't help but question the way he keeps these snakes, to us in roughly a 100 litre containers, now its my experience over many years, you want a Bredli to eat...jack the heat up and feed it while its on a perch or branch and l know some people are going to say, they are (most of them) are eating machines...well l am amazed how many posts on this site have stories of non-eating reptiles.
lts my very strong view that we under value the idea of having perches or climbing material in at least our hatchie racks, personally l use 20 litre tall tubs with either dowel or plastic mesh in them and 99% of the time have no eating problems but mind you l do have the odd problem eating child, but a classic example is a clutch of blond spotteds that hatched out 11 days ago, all have eaten while on their climbing gear, below is a pic of one of them just after consuming a fresh killed day old pinkie mouse....l just reckon we greatly under value such a simple enclosure item.
.......solar 17 (baden)
I have to agree with Baden - all my young ones bar from a couple of macs, always strike off their perch. And eat well. Even my day old jungles are on their perch:) I also lilke the plastic garden fence stuff (as in Badens pic) from Bunnings, cheap, can be cut to any size, easy to clean.
One thing slightly off topic - when I was a more novice keeper I thought tubs were "cruel" over time I have learnt they are actually a herpers friend and in some cases a must. I have a 5yr Stim who has always been a picky feeder since I got him - two years ago (came from someone who had him in a tub and was a good feeder) I provided him with a large enclosure with hides, branches etc, pleasing to "my eye", he became a poor feeder.
During time my collection grew and I invested in a rack and he was one that went into a tub, since being in a tub (10 months) now one of my best feeders and he looks happier if that makes sense.
I think sometimes as keepers, we forget the basics, such as a perch & privacy.
Hi guys,
just wondering how you heat the tubs for the snakes? and where do you buy the racks from? I watch snakebytes a fair bit and thought it was strange when I first saw it because I had never seen it before, but it would be the way to go if you want a big collection ;)
If you contact snake whisperer on here, he will sort you out with a rack and heating cord.
He will make a rack to suit what ever size tub you want, or you can look at his website. He gives you the option of paying extra for a heat cord to suit the rack or you can supply your own.
I like to use that sort of plastic mesh for my hatchling tubs, too. The little Darwins love to have a climbing level and do feed better from it. It is so simple to enrich the environment with easy-care climbing options and helps them keep in better shape, too.
I completely agree. In fact I have a 2yo carpet that is almost always perching... and never uses a hide. He curls up in the foliage I attached to his perch to 'hide'. They also appear to use their perch to help work down their meals. I will definitely be making sure their upgraded enclosures have height enough for perches :)
With specific regard to Brian on Snakebytes with keeping big snakes in tubes like he does... I'm sure he knows what he's doing. It's obvious he's passionate about them and knows what he's doing. There are many different ways of keeping snakes I think, and not all methods working for everyone. In any case, the snakes look healthy to me. Nothing sickening on his shows for me :p

In any case, only my carpets have perches and they certainly seem to enjoy them.
My jungle obviously hasn't read the book, I have 3 dowels in her tub, wrapped with some fake ivy and she spends most of her time under the newspaper go figure

jungle click clack2.jpg
Don't forget that perches are handy for many uses. 4 of my little Darwins had their first shed last night, so here are examples of what I found today.

Literally 6 hours old and "love my perch" this little persons mother is a good yellow darwin but l figure he/she is 200% het for albino as this one"s mother had two boyfriends both albino LOL.
.....solar 17 (baden)
Baden, I think it's the crap local news paper that's putting them off. The Cairns Post (commonly called Compost) has the same effect - up on the perches, as far as possibles! Try the Morning Herald or Financial Times. If you want to glossy, Penthouse does magic, they even crawl underneath it. lol
Baden, I think it's the crap local news paper that's putting them off. The Cairns Post (commonly called Compost) has the same effect - up on the perches, as far as possibles! Try the Morning Herald or Financial Times. If you want to glossy, Penthouse does magic, they even crawl underneath it. lol

Thanks mate you just lightened up my day. Baden i agree with you buddy. I have had 95% success rate with hatchies all feeding off perches. It is natural for them in the wild to hunt from branches etc and the instinct of hanging from a perch to strike and get food is there most of the time.

If you want to be sickened watch the episode where he shows how he stores his fully grown anacondas to visitors.

It's nothing to be proud of.

Snake Bytes TV - Huge Snakes! : SnakeBytesTV - YouTube

OMG just saw this video... not impressed at all!
Baden, I think it's the crap local news paper that's putting them off. The Cairns Post (commonly called Compost) has the same effect - up on the perches, as far as possibles! Try the Morning Herald or Financial Times. If you want to glossy, Penthouse does magic, they even crawl underneath it. lol

I prefer Babes and Bacon myself.
The quality of the....umm...journalism...is much, much better!;):lol:
If you want to be sickened watch the episode where he shows how he stores his fully grown anacondas to visitors. (quote from someone earlier in the thread)

BHB don't keep anacondas, but yeah big burms & retics could use something bigger than a freedom breeder..
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Hi solar
Where did you get the plastic mesh from ?? as i have looked at bunnings and a few other places so far and no luck.
Good idea as i think in hatchys tubs this would be a good option cleaning wise.

Hi solar
Where did you get the plastic mesh from ?? as i have looked at bunnings and a few other places so far and no luck.
Good idea as i think in hatchys tubs this would be a good option cleaning wise.

hi there.mitre 10 have it at least in brizzy and its better quality than the mesh bunnings keep imo.
........solar 17 (baden)
I got mine at Mitre 10, too. It is plastic garden fencing.
How can Snakebytes claim hes looking after snakes when thats what theyve got to live in, I want to put the mother********r in my chest of draws beside my bed, bring him out to grab him then put him back, makes me sick. Wouldnt you rather have a small collection of well looked after, decent enclosures with greenery, hides, branches, levels, than cupboards just to satisfy his selfishness, makes me wild!
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