Picking the right Hatchling..

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Mar 9, 2009
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Now i was just wondering is there anything i should look for when picking out a new hatchling, the snake im getting will be a diamond python.. the breeder is gonna send me photos of 10 new hatchlings, what should i look for with body shape and colour...

thank tom
I'd personally forget what it looks like and getting one based off temperment and how well it feeds. Hatchy diamonds colour changes so much as they grow, it's just all guess work anyway, best get one thats eats well.
if possible get the biggest one . the color is dependant on breeding, shed cycle ect so its hard to tell.
I'd personally forget what it looks like and getting one based off temperment and how well it feeds. Hatchy diamonds colour changes so much as they grow, it's just all guess work anyway, best get one thats eats well.
Only way to buy Diamonds. In full agreement Jason.
I would say ask the breeder for one that feeds well and has a generally nice temperament.:)

you'll find most breeders won't know the temperments, they take the lid off, feed and clean them and don't normally handle them much at all. So go for one thats eating well and has shed. If you want, maybe look at their head patterns as well

good luck :)
you'll find most breeders won't know the temperments, they take the lid off, feed and clean them and don't normally handle them much at all. So go for one thats eating well and has shed. If you want, maybe look at their head patterns as well

good luck :)

I just assumed that because the guy I got my snake off seemed to know all the temperaments that everyone does lol
you'll find most breeders won't know the temperments, they take the lid off, feed and clean them and don't normally handle them much at all. So go for one thats eating well and has shed. If you want, maybe look at their head patterns as well

good luck :)

I don't know if thats an accurate assumption or not.I know exactly what types of tempraments each snake has in any given clutch.I think the majority of other breeders do as well.You usually get a very good indication when getting them established with feeding.
I suppose it may depend on the amount of pythons they are breeding, the last breeder I visited had 80+ breeding pairs, he doesn't handle them as pets and likes to breed the more aggressive types as these are the ones in the wild that would survive, breed and pass on the strongest genes .
Most Diamond hatchies are pretty laid back. I am sure anyone who has bred them will agree.
IMO only Diamonds have some of the best temprements in the python world.
By "temperment" I was refering to a "good eater" ie, not a hatchy that doesn't want to look at food, or a hatchy that just wants to strike at food because it is stressed ect ect...You can get a good idea of a pythons temperment by how it eats or lack of eating. The "other" temperment issues of pythons, ie biting, can change due to various factors, and isn't usually a worry in captive raised Diamonds anyway.
I would say ask the breeder for one that feeds well and has a generally nice temperament.:)

Some times is hard for breeder to tell you temperament.
just imagin to have 300 hatchlings how possibly you can know the temperament.
All you care in that stage is to make sure that they eat well and they are healthy so buyer will not have any problems.
Temperament with hatchies is 2 sided issue. I finding that young hatchies which are snappy are stronger and mostly healthier than the ones who are wandering around food item slowly thinking what to do with it.

I would take snappy hatchie any time, it is sign of healthy animal. Nothing is worst than if you have trouble to feed your little one.

Remember they will change fast and calm down quickly as they grow up.- and if 40cm hatchie have a go at your finger occasionally mistaking it for food, it don't hurt. nothing to be scared of.
I recently purchased my first Blonde Mac, I had 12 to choose from and I chose purely on which hatchie seemed the most active and happy to come out and interact with people.
I didn't want a snake that was scared or timid as it may turn agressive on me as it gets older...
The other thing was also the feeding and shedding, he said mine fed well but all that can change when you bring the snake into a new environment.

IMO temprement is the way to chose...

It helped me and my snake is getting along very nicely.
Although my nerves take over sometimes even though he is the sweetest little thing and has never attempted to be nasty towards me at all, he just wants to come out and chill.

Hope you choose the right one for you!

baby diamonds can be a little stubborn to get feeding, downright pains in the butt to be honest, but worth it in the end, pick 1 with good feeding history of fresh killed or thawed, not live. they pretty much all tame down to be extremely placid. i have 37 little diamonds at the moment but wont be offering them up for sale for a month or two untill they're all charging along, most have shed twice already and feeding. still some stubborn ones among them. go with most comenys to your question and choose a good feeder
I totally agree with all who said the ones that feed best. When I got my first snake I was nervous and got the one that didn't look like she was gonna bite (she never has to her credit) but I had problems with her feeding at first. Theres not much you can do for a snake that won't eat but a juvie thats a little bitey thats another thing.
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