Placement of Probes

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Active Member
Apr 1, 2013
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Mildura, Vic
Just a simple question really, where does everyone place the probe in their tanks? Up high? Or down on ground level?
It depends on the type of heat you provide and what temperature you are most interested in controlling. I personally like to have basking spots at the correct temperature and let the rest of the enclosure do whatever it wants so I put mine as close as possible to where the animal will be basking. Others who prefer to have more control over ambient temperatures place them around the middle of the enclosure so you get a nice gradient across it.
Im probably going to focus on the basking spots at the stage, so ill probably go in that direction then. Cheers
Sort of on topic, where do people place their probes during incubation? In the incubator or egg containers?
Im new to this stuff as well, but since my little one stays in his hide all day I have the probe in their on the floor.

Also with the incubator question, it could be totally different for snakes but when I incubate my duck eggs the probe is raised about 1cm above the eggs, so that it isn't in contact with the egg. Like I said it could and most likely is different for snakes... :)
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