Please help, frog fungus or something????

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Not so new Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Sydney, NSW
Hi everybody,
this is my first thread and it has good reason.
I have three red eyed tree frogs and owned them for about 5 months, they have just turned green and have gone from 3.2cm to 4.7cm on average. Yesterday i noticed on the nose (just south but in the middle of the two nostrils) of one of my frogs a navy blue dot has appeard, thinking it might may just be dirt or some form of foriegn matter i disregurded it yesterday. Then today i have looked and it is still there and slightly bigger (i think), i am very unsure as to what this is as i have read about 10-15 books on australia tree frogs and tree frogs and have a sound knowledge of them. Besides from this blue dot eveything else about the frog is healthy and it is eating fine. Could anyone tell me what this is?? Please i am worried that she may die or infect my other frogs.
i am no expert on frogs but have they got their blue dots on the side of their stomach because if it doesnt it is just a red eyed frog but dont worry everything should be fine if it gets any bigger reply back with pics but if your tank is clean and frog is healthy it is propbably a colour mix up though keep your eye out
I have Red Eyed Tree Frogs :)

They turn greener with age.

Given the location of the bump, its probably a bruise from the frog rubbing his nose on the mesh at the top. They are noisly little buggers and sometimes try and push the mesh with their nose which can cause a bruise if they rub enough.

However, if the bump you can see is growing, or looks like a growth of some sort, I would isolate him from the other frogs.
Go to a vet for a simple procedure to tell you what the dot is if you are very concerned
Probably an abbarent area of pigment, can you post a pic.

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