Please help me urgently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
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1 of my Central Netted Dragon hatchlings seems to be giving up on life. She was fine until about 3 days ago this is when we thought she was just having an 'off day' as she was not real interested in eating. :cry:
Then yesterday again she never even budged when her insects came near her so Yesterday arv I had enough so i tried hand feeding her, I managed to get her to eat about 10 baby woodies in total and half a small cricket(all dusted of course).
Now today she refuses point blank to eat and is spitting anything I put into her mouth out. I have misted her and she drank a little but not alot. :(
Her temps are around 34-36 hot and 28 cool, she is under a 10 uvb. She is still living in a hatchie tub. She is 2.5 weeks old.
Before all of this she was such a spirited little thing runnin round with her brothers jumping in the air etc.
Please help me I really dont wanna loose her surely someone knows something?:cry:
dont know much about cnd's but arent their temps meant to be higher?
and do they get stressed by cage mates?


do tehy have a UVB light?

just something to think about till someone else replies,....

Yeh the temps normally are alot higher the temp I gave is at lowest point of hot end. They can get up closer to heat light where they will receive more heat there.
No they love company however I have separated her from her brothers jjust to be safe and so i can see if she is eating/pooing etc.
UVB 10 they certainly have.
Thanks chris I need helpso bad these are my first hatchies I'm so scared I know this is a natural course in some cases as not all herps make it but it didn't have to be my first clutch.
To top it off she is that little extra special as this is the only clutch their dad produced this year before his owner lost him on the operating table to infection and appears to be the only girl.
have a good look thru that thread, it seems to cover alot of things.

plus you could try PMing some of the posters who sounds like they know what theyre talking about. i did see parasites mentioned in that thread which are often transmitted by crickets.

at the end of the day if shes looking terrible she should really go to the vet, at 2.5 weeks old she wouldnt have enough fat stores to wait for long.

good luck, please keep us updated. :)

hmm, im a bit confused,..are these ur first hatchies (as in any baby reptile)
or first hatchies that youve bred/helped breed?

if u know the owner of the dad id be calling him/her and asking fro help or if he could take her for a week or so till she gets better,...
Yeh the vets here are not rep specialists so am wary of going to them. I too kinda hold him slightly responsible for the dads death as I believe he should have operated a hell of alot sooner. Have not dealt with them personally but have been told that their opinions on babies are they are to small to do anthing with. So that puts me off.

They are the first that I have bred. The youngest I had before them was 3 months so past all this fragile stage.

I am in contact with her (the owner of the dad) and she is willing to take her. But we both have already tried everything we know which is why I need valuable advise.

Thanks for the advise to check out thread I remember following that 1 through the process Ill go back and look now thanks again champp.
Helllooooooo!! Come on guys someones gotta know something surely????????????Im rippin my hair out!!!!!!!!!!
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