Please help. This really confuses me

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Melbourne, Victoria
I am soon to be getting a reptile licence but I am confused about the info regarding them. I would like to know how much a basic licence costs and how much an advanced licence costs. Also how much does it cost to renew the licence? and does it have to be renewed every year?

I also have the issue that I am interested in the Antaresia group which (most) require only a basic licence but I am really keen on the Woma python which for some reason requires an advance licence. I am wondering if it's worth getting an advanced licence just for the one snake? (im not interested in any venomous snakes just the woma)

Please try answer as many of these questions as you can.

Really appreciate it.


Bananapeel :) Sorry if I sound really clueless but I am a beginner and figure I have to learn sometime and you guys seem to know your stuff.
You have to have a basic license for a certain amount of time before you get the advanced i think now you can pay $60 for one year and then you just renew it again after that year where are you located?
well ive just applied for my adv licence, $187.80 basic is 68.80, same price to renew every year, and i dont think you have to wait any time to get your adv lic, you can just appy for your adv lic straight away.
When you guys get your licences do you have to take a test or do you just have to fill out papers?
well i kno in NSW you can pay like 60$ for 1 yr or like 160$ for 3 or something like that and with that nsw makes you send in your booklet (if not done on computer) and they record what you keep then send the book back to you every year or so and you usually get a text or email saying that you should return it soon but vic could be different to nsw
The regulations vary from state to state, but in NSW, like Womagaunt has already mentioned, for a class1 (basic) licence you just pay the fee and a licence is issued. No test involved, though there are regulations that must be adhered to as part of the licence conditions, one of which is the recording of all transactions (incomings/outgoings/deaths/births, etc.) and must be submitted to the authorities either physically or electronically.

For vens, I don't know if a test is required, but you need references (from experienced handlers/keepers) to demonstrate competency, and I believe they (wildlife officials) also come out to inspect where the animals will be housed.
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